5 Screens


Screen export contains the screen structure - all screen settings and all screen elements along with their configuration.

Anything included in the screen itself (like a host, host group or any other data) is not exported. Thus, if at least one of the elements the screen refers to is missing, importing it will fail.


To export screens, do the following:

  • Go to: MonitoringScreens

  • Mark the checkboxes of the screens to export

  • Click on Export below the list

5 Screens - 图1

Depending on the selected format, screens are exported to a local file with a default name:

  • zabbix_export_screens.yaml - in YAML export (default option for export)

  • zabbix_export_screens.xml - in XML export

  • zabbix_export_screens.json - in JSON export


To import screens, do the following:

  • Go to: MonitoringScreens

  • Click on Import to the right

  • Select the import file

  • Mark the required options in import rules

  • Click on Import

5 Screens - 图2

All mandatory input fields are marked with a red asterisk.

A success or failure message of the import will be displayed in the frontend.

Import rules:

Update existingExisting screens will be updated with data taken from the import file. Otherwise they will not be updated.
Create newThe import will add new screens using data from the import file. Otherwise it will not add them.

Export format

Exporting a small screen with two graphs taking up the first row of the screen to YAML:

  1. ---
  2. zabbix_export:
  3. version: "5.2"
  4. date: "2020-08-06T08:18:59Z"
  5. screens:
  6. - name: Zabbix server
  7. hsize: "2"
  8. vsize: "1"
  9. screen_items:
  10. - resourcetype: "0"
  11. width: "500"
  12. height: "100"
  13. x: "0"
  14. "y": "0"
  15. colspan: "1"
  16. rowspan: "1"
  17. elements: "0"
  18. valign: "0"
  19. halign: "0"
  20. style: "0"
  21. url: ""
  22. dynamic: "0"
  23. sort_triggers: "0"
  24. resource:
  25. name: CPU jumps
  26. host: Zabbix server
  27. max_columns: "3"
  28. application: ""
  29. - resourcetype: "0"
  30. width: "500"
  31. height: "100"
  32. x: "1"
  33. "y": "0"
  34. colspan: "1"
  35. rowspan: "1"
  36. elements: "0"
  37. valign: "0"
  38. halign: "0"
  39. style: "0"
  40. url: ""
  41. dynamic: "0"
  42. sort_triggers: "0"
  43. resource:
  44. name: CPU utilization
  45. host: Zabbix server
  46. max_columns: "3"
  47. application: ""
  48. ...

Element tags

Element tag values are explained in the table below.

ElementElement propertyTypeRangeDescription
namestringUnique screen name.
hsizeintegerHorizontal size, number of columns.
vsizeintegerVertical size, number of rows.
resourcetypeinteger0 - graph
1 - simple graph
2 - map
3 - plain text
4 - host info
5 - trigger info
6 - server info
7 - clock
9 - trigger overview
10 - data overview
11 - URL
12 - history of actions
13 - history of events
14 - host group issues
15 - problems by severity
16 - host issues
19 - simple graph prototype
20 - graph prototype
Resource type.
widthintegerWidth of the screen item (in pixels) if ‘resourcetype’ is 0, 1, 7, 11, 19 or 20.
heightintegerHeight of the screen item (in pixels) if ‘resourcetype’ is 0, 1, 7, 11, 19 or 20.
xintegerX-coordinates of the screen item on the screen, from left to right.
‘0’ means start from first column.
yintegerY-coordinates of the screen item on the screen, from top to bottom.
‘0’ means start from first row.
colspanintegerNumber of columns the screen item will span across.
rowspanintegerNumber or rows the screen item will span across.
elementsintegerNumber of lines to display on the screen item if ‘resourcetype’ is 3, 12, 13, 14 or 16.
valigninteger0 - middle (default)
1 - top
2 - bottom
Vertical alignment.
haligninteger0 - center (default)
1 - left
2 - right
Horizontal alignment.
styleinteger0 - plain text
1 - HTML
Option of displaying screen item if ‘resourcetype’ is 3.
integer0 - local time
1 - server time
2 - host time
Option of displaying screen item if ‘resourcetype’ is 7.
integer0 - horizontal
1 - vertical
Option of displaying screen item if ‘resourcetype’ is 4,5.
integer0 - left side
1 - top
Option of displaying screen item if ‘resourcetype’ is 9,10.
urlstringLink URL if ‘resourcetype’ is 11.
dynamicinteger0 - no
1 - yes
Make screen item dynamic if ‘resourcetype’ is 0, 1, 3, 19 or 20.
sort_triggersinteger0 - last change (descending)
1 - severity (descending)
2 - host (ascending)
Option to sort triggers by if ‘resourcetype’ is 14,16.
integer3 - time (ascending)
4 - time (descending)
5 - type (ascending)
6 - type (descending)
7 - status (ascending)
8 - status (descending)
9 - retries left (ascending)
10 - retries left (descending)
11 - recipient (ascending)
12 - recipient (descending)
Option to sort triggers by if ‘resourcetype’ is 12.
max_columnsintegerIn how many columns generated graphs should be displayed in the screen cell if ‘resourcetype’ is 19 or 20.
Useful when there are many LLD-generated graphs.
applicationstringFilter by application name if ‘resourcetype’ is 9 or 10.
namestringResource name.
hoststringResource host.