

object hostgroup.massupdate(object parameters)

This method allows to replace hosts and templates with the specified ones in multiple host groups.

This method is only available to Admin and Super admin user types. Permissions to call the method can be revoked in user role settings. See User roles for more information.


(object) Parameters containing the IDs of the host groups to update and the objects that should be updated.

groupsobject/arrayHost groups to be updated.

The host groups must have the groupid property defined.

Parameter behavior:
- required
hostsobject/arrayHosts to replace the current hosts on the given host groups.
All other hosts, except the ones mentioned, will be excluded from host groups.
Discovered hosts will not be affected.

The hosts must have the hostid property defined.

Parameter behavior:
- required

Return values

(object) Returns an object containing the IDs of the updated host groups under the groupids property.


Replacing hosts in a host group

Replace all hosts in a host group to ones mentioned host.


  1. {
  2. "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  3. "method": "hostgroup.massupdate",
  4. "params": {
  5. "groups": [
  6. {
  7. "groupid": "6"
  8. }
  9. ],
  10. "hosts": [
  11. {
  12. "hostid": "30050"
  13. }
  14. ]
  15. },
  16. "id": 1
  17. }


  1. {
  2. "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  3. "result": {
  4. "groupids": [
  5. "6",
  6. ]
  7. },
  8. "id": 1
  9. }

See also


CHostGroup::massUpdate() in ui/include/classes/api/services/CHostGroup.php.