4 主机原型


In this section the host prototypes of a low-level discovery rule on the host are displayed. Host prototypes are the basis of real hosts that are created during low-level discovery.

4 主机原型 - 图1

Displayed data:

NameName of the host prototype, displayed as a blue link.
Clicking on the name opens the host prototype configuration form.
If the host prototype belongs to a linked template, the template name is displayed before the host name, as a gray link. Clicking on the template link will open the host prototype list on the linked template level.
TemplatesTemplates of the host prototype are displayed.
Create enabledCreate the host based on this prototype as:
Yes - enabled
No - disabled. You can switch between ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ by clicking on them.
DiscoverDiscover the host based on this prototype:
Yes - discover
No - do not discover. You can switch between ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ by clicking on them.
TagsTags of the host prototype are displayed.

To configure a new host prototype, click on the Create host prototype button at the top right corner.



  • Create enabled - 将这些主机创建为Enabled
  • Create disabled - 将这些主机创建为Disabled
  • Delete - 删除这些主机原型
