
如果您已成功安装 Zephir, 则可以在控制台中执行以下命令:

  1. zephir help

如果一切正常, 您应该看到以下帮助 (或非常相似的内容):

  1. _____ __ _
  2. /__ / ___ ____ / /_ (_)____
  3. / / / _ \/ __ \/ __ \/ / ___/
  4. / /__/ __/ /_/ / / / / / /
  5. /____/\___/ .___/_/ /_/_/_/
  6. /_/
  7. Zephir version 0.10.9a-dev
  8. Usage:
  9. command [options]
  10. Available commands:
  11. stubs Generates extension PHP stubs
  12. install Installs the extension (requires root password)
  13. version Shows the Zephir version
  14. compile Compile a Zephir extension
  15. api [--theme-path=/path][--output-directory=/path][--theme-options={json}|/path]Generates a HTML API
  16. init [namespace] Initializes a Zephir extension
  17. fullclean Cleans the generated object files in compilation
  18. builddev Generate/Compile/Install a Zephir extension in development mode
  19. clean Cleans the generated object files in compilation
  20. generate Generates C code from the Zephir code
  21. help Displays this help
  22. build Generate/Compile/Install a Zephir extension
  23. Options:
  24. -f([a-z0-9\-]+) Enables compiler optimizations
  25. -fno-([a-z0-9\-]+) Disables compiler optimizations
  26. -w([a-z0-9\-]+) Turns a warning on
  27. -W([a-z0-9\-]+) Turns a warning off

If something went wrong, please return back to the installation page.