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  • WSGI

    WSGI External middleware Internal middleware Calling WSGI applications WSGI web2py and WSGI have a love-hate relationship. Our perspective is that WSGI was developed as a pr...
  • WSGI Bits

    WSGI Bits How do I set SCRIPT_NAME? WSGI Bits How do I set SCRIPT_NAME? By default SCRIPT_NAME is an empty string. The value could be set by setting SCRIPT_NAME in the env...
  • WSGI Bits

    WSGI Bits How do I set SCRIPT_NAME? WSGI Bits How do I set SCRIPT_NAME? By default SCRIPT_NAME is an empty string. The value could be set by setting SCRIPT_NAME in the env...
  • WSGI Helpers

    WSGI Helpers Iterator / Stream Helpers Environ Helpers Convenience Helpers WSGI Helpers The following classes and functions are designed to make working withthe WSGI specifi...
  • WSGI Servers

    WSGI Servers Gunicorn Waitress uWSGI WSGI Servers Stand-alone WSGI servers typically use less resources than traditional webservers and provide top performance [1] . Guni...
  • WSGI Bits

    WSGI Bits How do I set SCRIPT_NAME? WSGI Bits How do I set SCRIPT_NAME? By default SCRIPT_NAME is an empty string. The value could be set by setting SCRIPT_NAME in the env...
  • WSGI Helpers

    WSGI Helpers Iterator / Stream Helpers Environ Helpers Convenience Helpers Bytes, Strings, and Encodings Raw Request URI and Path Encoding WSGI Helpers The following class...
  • Gunicorn - WSGI server

    Gunicorn - WSGI server Features Contents Gunicorn - WSGI server Website: http://gunicorn.org Source code: https://github.com/benoitc/gunicorn Issue tracker: https://gith...
  • Standalone WSGI Containers

    Standalone WSGI Containers Gunicorn uWSGI Gevent Twisted Web Proxy Setups Standalone WSGI Containers There are popular servers written in Python that contain WSGI applicat...
  • 21.3 WSGI接口

    WSGI接口 运行WSGI服务 小结 参考源码 WSGI接口 了解了HTTP协议和HTML文档,我们其实就明白了一个Web应用的本质就是: 浏览器发送一个HTTP请求; 服务器收到请求,生成一个HTML文档; 服务器把HTML文档作为HTTP响应的Body发送给浏览器; 浏览器收到HTTP响应,从HTTP Body取出HTML文...