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  • boost

    boost Deprecated in 5.0.0. Why index time boosting is a bad idea boost Individual fields can be boosted automatically — count more towards the relevance score — at query ti...
  • Boost

    492 2021-02-12 《Modern CMake》
    Boost library Boost library The Boost library is included in the find packages that CMake provides, but it has a couple of oddities in how it works. See FindBoost for a full d...
  • Boost

    Boost 库 Boost 库 CMake 提供 Boost 库的查找包,但其工作方式有些奇怪。FindBoost 中可获得完整的描述:这只是一个概述,并提供一个示例。务必查看页面上使用 CMake 的最低版本,然后再查看有哪些支持的选项。 首先,可以在搜索 Boost 之前设置的一组变量,自定义选定 Boost 库的行为。可设置的变量随着 CMa...
  • Install Boost

    Install Boost Install Boost Installing Boost is not hard. On OpenBSD : $ pkg_add boost While on Arch Linux : $ sudo pacman - S boost The thing is when compiling p...
  • 2.3 Boost

    2.3 Boost 2.3 Boost
  • 6.23. Boost 库

    6.23. Boost 库 Tip 只使用 Boost 中被认可的库. 定义: Boost 库集 是一个广受欢迎, 经过同行鉴定, 免费开源的 C++ 库集. 优点: Boost代码质量普遍较高, 可移植性好, 填补了 C++ 标准库很多空白, 如型别的特性, 更完善的绑定器, 更好的智能指针。 缺点: 某些 Boost 库提倡的...
  • 58. Boost.Accumulators

    Chapter 58. Boost.Accumulators Chapter 58. Boost.Accumulators Boost.Accumulators provides classes to process samples. For example, you can find the largest or smallest sample,...
  • 56. Boost.Exception

    Chapter 56. Boost.Exception Note Chapter 56. Boost.Exception The library Boost.Exception provides a new exception type, boost::exception , that lets you add data to an except...
  • 54. Boost.Conversion

    Chapter 54. Boost.Conversion Chapter 54. Boost.Conversion Boost.Conversion defines the cast operators boost::polymorphic_cast and boost::polymorphic_downcast in the header f...
  • 51. Boost.Coroutine

    Chapter 51. Boost.Coroutine Chapter 51. Boost.Coroutine With Boost.Coroutine it is possible to use coroutines in C++. Coroutines are a feature of other programming languages, ...