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  • LIKE

    LIKE 语法说明 语法结构 示例 LIKE 语法说明 LIKE 操作符用于在 WHERE 子句中搜索列中的指定模式。 有两个通配符经常与 LIKE 操作符一起使用: 百分号 (%) 代表了 0、1 或多个字符。 下划线 (_) 代表单个字符。 语法结构 > SELECT column1 , column2 , ...
  • LIKE

    LIKE Description Syntax Examples LIKE Description The LIKE operator is used in a WHERE clause to search for a specified pattern in a column. There are two wildcards ...

    NOT LIKE Description Syntax Examples NOT LIKE Description The NOT LIKE operator is used in a WHERE clause to search for a specified pattern in a column. There are tw...
  • not like

    not like description syntax example keywords not like description syntax BOOLEAN not like(VARCHAR str, VARCHAR pattern) Perform fuzzy matching on the string str, return ...
  • not like

    not like description syntax example keyword not like description syntax BOOLEAN not like(VARCHAR str, VARCHAR pattern) Perform fuzzy matching on the string str, return f...
  • LIKE

    LIKE 语法说明 语法结构 示例 LIKE 语法说明 LIKE 操作符用于在 WHERE 子句中搜索列中的指定模式。 有两个通配符经常与 LIKE 操作符一起使用: 百分号 % 通配符:表示匹配任意字符序列(包括空字符序列)。 %text:匹配以 “text” 结尾的字符串。 text%:匹配以 “text” 开...
  • LIKE

    LIKE Description Syntax Examples LIKE Description The LIKE operator is used in a WHERE clause to search for a specified pattern in a column. There are two wildcards...

    NOT LIKE Description Syntax Examples NOT LIKE Description The NOT LIKE operator is used in a WHERE clause to search for a specified pattern in a column. There are tw...
  • LIKE

    LIKE 语法说明 语法结构 示例 LIKE 语法说明 LIKE 操作符用于在 WHERE 子句中搜索列中的指定模式。 有两个通配符经常与 LIKE 操作符一起使用: 百分号 % 通配符:表示匹配任意字符序列(包括空字符序列)。 %text:匹配以 “text” 结尾的字符串。 text%:匹配以 “text” 开...
  • not like

    not like description syntax example keywords not like description syntax BOOLEAN not like(VARCHAR str, VARCHAR pattern) 对字符串 str 进行模糊匹配,匹配上的则返回 false,没匹配上则返回 true。 like...