书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.021 秒,为您找到 28 个相关结果.
  • FAQs

    831 2018-04-22 《RubyFu(英文)》
    FAQs Q \ What is Rubyfu? Q \ How to get the best benefits of Rubyfu? Q \ Why Ruby language? Q \ Why there is no explanation for beginners? Q \ If I can add valuable contents to...
  • WordPress API

    15978 2018-04-22 《RubyFu(英文)》
    WordPress API WordPress API Ruby has a standard library called xmlrpc which takes care of all xmlrpc stuff, you can even create an XML-RPC server using it. Let’s to get some ...
  • Twitter API

    558 2018-04-22 《RubyFu(英文)》
    Twitter API Basic Usage Building Stolen Credentials notification bot Twitter API Dealing with Twitter’s API is really useful for information gathering, taxonomy and social en...
  • Conversion

    695 2018-04-22 《RubyFu(英文)》
    Conversion Convert String/Binary to Hex Convert Hex to String/Binary Convert Hex (Return address) to Little-Endian format Convert to Unicode Escape En/Decode base-64 String En...
  • Telegram API

    785 2018-04-22 《RubyFu(英文)》
    Telegram API Telegram API As we know that Telegram is a messaging app identifies users by their mobile number. Fortunately, Telegram has its own API -Ruby has a wrapper gem for...
  • Module 0x0 | Introduction

    1136 2018-04-22 《RubyFu(英文)》
    description: ruby for pentesters RubyFu Who should read this book? Organization of the book Module 0x0 | Introduction Module 0x1 | Basic Ruby Kung Fu Module 0x2 | System ...
  • Contribution

    966 2018-04-22 《RubyFu(英文)》
    Contribution Contribution methods How to? Start contributing Contributing with Code Ruby code Command-line Contributing with Translation General Contribution Contribu...
  • SMTP Enumeration

    593 2018-04-22 《RubyFu(英文)》
    SMTP Enumeration SMTP Enumeration Interacting with SMTP is easy and since the protocol is straight forward. #!/usr/bin/env ruby # KING SABRI | @KINGSABRI # require 'soc...
  • Web Server and Proxy

    796 2018-04-22 《RubyFu(英文)》
    Ruby as Web Server and Proxy Web Server Web Proxy Transparent Web Proxy Transparent Web Proxy with Authentication Ruby as Web Server and Proxy Web Server You can run Ruby...
  • Module 0x1 | Basic Ruby Kung Fu

    795 2018-04-22 《RubyFu(英文)》
    Module 0x1 | Basic Ruby Kung Fu Terminal Terminal size Console with tab completion Module 0x1 | Basic Ruby Kung Fu Ruby has awesome abilities and tricks for dealing with str...