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  • 4.1.9. rustc

    cargo rustc NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION OPTIONS Package Selection Target Selection Feature Selection Compilation Options Output Options Display Options Manifest Options Com...
  • cargo rustc 用于传递标记至 rustc

    cargo rustc 用于传递标记至 rustc 注意 cargo rustc 用于传递标记至 rustc cargo rustc 是Cargo的一个新的子命令,它允许你通过 cargo 传递任意标记到 rustc 。 例如,Cargo 没有办法传递内置的不稳定标志。但是如果我们想使用 print-type-sizes 来查看我们的...
  • 3.13.4. cargo rustc for passing arbitrary flags to rustc

    cargo rustc for passing arbitrary flags to rustc Note cargo rustc for passing arbitrary flags to rustc cargo rustc is a new subcommand for Cargo that allows you to pass arb...
  • 1. What is rustc?

    761 2020-02-11 《The rustc book》
    What is rustc? Basic usage What is rustc? Welcome to "The rustc book"! rustc is the compiler for the Rust programminglanguage, provided by the project itself. Compilers take ...
  • 9. Contributing to rustc

    461 2020-02-11 《The rustc book》
    Contributing to rustc Contributing to rustc We'd love to have your help improving rustc ! To that end, we've written awhole book on itsinternals, how it works, and how to get ...
  • 8. Linker-plugin based LTO

    759 2020-02-11 《The rustc book》
    Linker-plugin-LTO Usage Rust staticlib as dependency in C/C++ program C/C++ code as a dependency in Rust Explicitly specifying the linker plugin to be used by rustc Toolchain C...
  • 3.1. Lint levels

    443 2020-02-11 《The rustc book》
    Lint levels allow warn deny forbid Configuring warning levels Via compiler flag Via an attribute Capping lints Lint levels In rustc , lints are divided into four levels...
  • crate

    416 2018-04-27 《Rust学习笔记》
    crate 定义 编译 模块的编译 crate 定义 crate是Rust中的编译单元。crate的中文意思是”箱/“包装箱”。 当通过rustc 命令编译时,比如先后调用 rustc module1 . rs rustc module2 . rs rustc module3 . rs 则module1.rs /modu...
  • 自定义条件

    自定义条件 自定义条件 有部分条件如 target_os 在使用 rustc 时会隐式地提供,但是自定义条件必须使用 --cfg 标记来传给 rustc 。 #[cfg(some_condition)] fn conditional_function () { println !( "condition met!" ) ...
  • Ubuntu安装

    4276 2018-04-27 《Rust学习笔记》
    Ubuntu安装 安装 配置 验证 安装openssl Ubuntu安装 安装 安装安装文档,执行curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh : curl https :// sh . rustup . rs - sSf | sh info : downloading installer ...