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    TOUCH Syntax Return Examples TOUCH Syntax TOUCH key [ key ...] Time complexity: O(N) where N is the number of keys that will be touched. ACL categories: @keyspace, @...

    TOUCH Syntax Return Examples TOUCH Syntax TOUCH key [ key ...] Time complexity: O(N) where N is the number of keys that will be touched. Alters the last access time o...

    TOUCH Syntax Return Examples TOUCH Syntax TOUCH key [ key ...] Time complexity: O(N) where N is the number of keys that will be touched. ACL categories: @keyspace, @...
  • Touch

    Touch 属性 number identifier number screenX number screenY number clientX number clientY Touch 在触控设备上的触摸点。通常是指手指或者触控笔在触屏设备或者触摸板上的操作。 属性 number identifier Touch 对象的唯一标识...
  • touch

    zk touch Synopsis Examples Options SEE ALSO touch zk touch Change node access time. Synopsis Change node access time. NOTE: There is no mkdir - just touch a node. The di...
  • Touch

    Touch 属性 number identifier number screenX number screenY Touch Touch 对象表示在触控设备上的触摸点。通常是指手指或者触控笔在触屏设备或者触摸板上的操作。 属性 number identifier Touch 对象的唯一标识符,只读属性。一次触摸动作(我们值的是手指的...

    TOUCH Syntax Return Examples TOUCH Syntax TOUCH key [ key ...] Time complexity: O(N) where N is the number of keys that will be touched. ACL categories: @keyspace, @...
  • Touch

    Touch 类型 索引 方法 Details 方法 getLocation getLocationX getLocationY getPreviousLocation getStartLocation getDelta getLocationInView getPreviousLocationInView getStartLocatio...
  • Touch

    Touch Touch 属性 number identifier number screenX number screenY Touch Touch Touch 对象表示在触控设备上的触摸点。通常是指手指或者触控笔在触屏设备或者触摸板上的操作。 属性 number identifier Touch 对象的唯一标识符,只读属性。...

    TOUCH Syntax Return Examples TOUCH Syntax TOUCH key [ key ...] Time complexity: O(N) where N is the number of keys that will be touched. Alters the last access time o...