Common Sink Parameters

These parameters are shared across all sink types:

  • name - Specify a name for the sink.

  • description - Specify a description for the sink.

  • event_types - Specifies a list of event types that will be sent to the sink. Can be *, error, system, observation or audit.

    Note: audit events are a WIP and will only be emitted if they are both enabled and the env var BOUNDARY_DEVELOPER_ENABLE_EVENTS equals true. We anticipate many changes for audit events before they are generally available including what data is included and different options for redacting/encrypting that data.

  • event_source_url - Specifies an optional event source URL for the sink. If not specified a default source will be composed of the

  • allow_filters - Specifies a set predicates for including an event in the sink. If any filter matches, the event will be included. For more information, on using filters see: event filtering

  • deny-filters - Specifies a set predicates for excluding an event in the sink. If any filter matches, the event will be excluded. For more information on using filters see: event filtering

  • format - Specifies the format for the sink. Can be cloudevents-json, cloudevents-text, hclog-json, or hclog-text.

  • type - Specifies the type of sink. Can be stderr or file.