Database Page

The Databases page of the Admin UI provides details of the databases configured, the tables in each database, and the grants assigned to each user. To view these details, access the Admin UI and then click Databases on the left-hand navigation bar.

Tables view

The Tables view shows details of the system table as well as the tables in your databases. To view these details, access the Admin UI and then select Databases from the left-hand navigation bar.

CockroachDB Admin UI Database Tables View

The following details are displayed for each table:

Table NameThe name of the table.
SizeApproximate total disk size of the table across all replicas.
RangesThe number of ranges in the table.
# of ColumnsThe number of columns in the table.
# of IndicesThe number of indices for the table.

Grants view

The Grants view shows the privileges granted to users for each database. To view these details, access the Admin UI and then select Databases from the left-hand navigation bar, select Databases from the left-hand navigation bar, and then select Grants from the View menu.

For more details about grants and privileges, see Grants.

CockroachDB Admin UI Database Grants View

See also

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