Understand Debug & Error Logs

If you need to troubleshoot issues with your cluster, you can check a node's logs, which include details about certain node-level and range-level events, such as errors. For example, if CockroachDB crashes, it normally logs a stack trace to what caused the problem.


For detailed information about queries being executed against your system, see SQL Audit Logging.


When a node processes a cockroach command, it produces a stream of messages about the command's activities. Each message's body describes the activity, and its envelope contains metadata such as the message's severity level.

As a command generates messages, CockroachDB uses the command's logging flags and the message's severity level to determine the appropriate location for it.

Each node's logs detail only the internal activity of that node without visibility into the behavior of other nodes in the cluster. When troubleshooting, this means that you must identify the node where the problem occurred or collect the logs from all active nodes in your cluster.


All cockroach commands support logging. However, it's important to note:

  • cockroach start generates most messages related to the operation of your cluster.
  • Other commands do generate messages, but they're typically only interesting in troubleshooting scenarios.

Severity levels

CockroachDB identifies each message with a severity level, letting operators know if they need to intercede:

  • INFO (lowest severity; no action necessary)
  • FATAL (highest severity; requires operator attention)
    Default behavior by severity level
CommandINFO messagesWARNING and above messages
cockroach startWrite to fileWrite to file
All other commandsDiscardPrint to stderr

Output locations

Based on the command's flags and the message's severity level, CockroachDB does one of the following:

Write to file

CockroachDB can write messages to log files. The files are named using the following format:

  1. cockroach.[host].[user].[start timestamp in UTC].[process ID].log

For example:

  1. cockroach.richards-mbp.rloveland.2018-03-15T15_24_10Z.024338.log

All log file timestamps are in UTC because CockroachDB is designed to be deployed in a distributed cluster. Nodes may be located in different time zones, and using UTC makes it easy to correlate log messages from those nodes no matter where they are located.

Propertycockroach startAll other commands
Enabled byDefault1Explicit —log-dir flag
Default File Destination[firststoredir]/logsN/A
Change File Destination—log-dir=[destination]—log-dir=[destination]
Default Severity Level ThresholdINFON/A
Change Severity Threshold—log-file-verbosity=[severity level]—log-file-verbosity=[severity level]
Disabled by—log-dir=""1Default

1 If the cockroach process does not have access to on-disk storage, cockroach start does not write messages to log files; instead it prints all messages to stderr.

Print to stderr

CockroachDB can print messages to stderr, which normally prints them to the machine's terminal but does not store them.

Propertycockroach startAll other commands
Enabled byExplicit —logtostderr flag2Default
Default Severity Level ThresholdN/AWARNING
Change Severity Threshold—logtostderr=[severity level]—logtostderr=[severity level]
Disabled byDefault2—logtostderr=NONE

2 cockroach start does not print any messages to stderr unless the cockroach process does not have access to on-disk storage, in which case it defaults to —logtostderr=INFO and prints all messages to stderr.

Discard message

Messages with severity levels below the —logtostderr and —log-file-verbosity flag's values are neither written to files nor printed to stderr, so they are discarded.

By default, commands besides cockroach start discard messages with the INFO severity level.


—log-dirEnable logging to files and write logs to the specified directory.Setting —log-dir to a blank directory (—log-dir="") disables logging to files.
—log-dir-max-sizeAfter the log directory reaches the specified size, delete the oldest log file. The flag's argument takes standard file sizes, such as —log-dir-max-size=1GiB.Default: 100MiB
—log-file-max-sizeAfter logs reach the specified size, begin writing logs to a new file. The flag's argument takes standard file sizes, such as —log-file-max-size=2MiB.Default: 10MiB
—log-file-verbosityOnly writes messages to log files if they are at or above the specified severity level, such as —log-file-verbosity=WARNING. Requires logging to files.Default: INFO
—logtostderrEnable logging to stderr for messages at or above the specified severity level, such as —logtostderr=ERRORIf you use this flag without specifying the severity level (e.g., cockroach start —logtostderr), it prints messages of all severities to stderr.Setting —logtostderr=NONE disables logging to stderr.
—no-colorDo not colorize stderr. Possible values: true or false.When set to false, messages logged to stderr are colorized based on severity level. Default: false
—sql-audit-dirNew in v2.0: If non-empty, create a SQL audit log in this directory. By default, SQL audit logs are written in the same directory as the other logs generated by CockroachDB. For more information, see SQL Audit Logging.

See also

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