2.5. Installation via Docker

Apache CouchDB provides ‘convenience binary’ Docker images throughDocker Hub at apache/couchdb. The following tags are available:

  • latest, 2.1.0: CouchDB 2.1, single node
  • 1, 1.6, 1.6.1: CouchDB 1.6.1
  • 1-couchperuser, 1.6-couchperuser, 1.6.1-couchperuser: CouchDB1.6.1 with couchperuser plugin
  • 2.0.0: CouchDB 2.0, single node
    These images are built using Debian 8 (jessie), expose CouchDB on port5984 of the container, run everything as user couchdb, and supportuse of a Docker volume for data at /opt/couchdb/data.

Note that you can also use the NODENAME environment variable to set thename of the CouchDB node inside the container.

Your installation is not complete. Be sure to complete theSetupsteps for a single node or clustered installation.

Further details on the Docker configuration are available in ourcouchdb-docker git repository.

原文: http://docs.couchdb.org/en/stable/install/docker.html