4.12. Miscellaneous Parameters

4.12.1. Configuration of Attachment Storage


Defines zlib compression level for the attachments from 1 (lowest,fastest) to 9 (highest, slowest). A value of 0 disablescompression:

  1. [attachments]
    compression_level = 8


Since compression is ineffective for some types of files, it ispossible to let CouchDB compress only some types of attachments,specified by their MIME type:

  1. [attachments]
    compressible_types = text/*, application/javascript, application/json, application/xml

4.12.2. Statistic Calculation


Rate of statistics gathering in milliseconds:

  1. [stats]
    rate = 1000


Samples are used to track the mean and standard value deviation withinspecified intervals (in seconds):

  1. [stats]
    samples = [0, 60, 300, 900]

4.12.3. UUIDs Configuration


Changed in version 1.3: Added utcid algorithm.

CouchDB provides various algorithms to generate the UUID values thatare used for document __id
’s by default:

  1. [uuids]
    algorithm = sequential

Available algorithms:

random: 128 bits of random awesome. All awesome, all the time:

  1. {
    "uuids": [

sequential: Monotonically increasing ids with random increments.The first 26 hex characters are random, the last 6 increment inrandom amounts until an overflow occurs. On overflow, the randomprefix is regenerated and the process starts over.

  1. {
    "uuids": [

utc_random: The time since Jan 1, 1970 UTC, in microseconds. Thefirst 14 characters are the time in hex. The last 18 are random.

  1. {
    "uuids": [

utc_id: The time since Jan 1, 1970 UTC, in microseconds, plus theutc_id_suffix string. The first 14 characters are the time inhex. The uuids/utc_id_suffix string value is appended tothese.

  1. {
    "uuids": [


Impact of UUID choices: the choice of UUID has a significantimpact on the layout of the B-tree, prior to compaction.

For example, using a sequential UUID algorithm while uploading alarge batch of documents will avoid the need to rewrite manyintermediate B-tree nodes. A random UUID algorithm may requirerewriting intermediate nodes on a regular basis, resulting insignificantly decreased throughput and wasted disk space space due tothe append-only B-tree design.

It is generally recommended to set your own UUIDs, or use thesequential algorithm unless you have a specific need and take intoaccount the likely need for compaction to re-balance the B-tree andreclaim wasted space.


New in version 1.3.

The utc_id_suffix value will be appended to UUIDs generated by theutc_id algorithm. Replicating instances should have uniqueutc_id_suffix values to ensure uniqueness of utc_id ids.

  1. [uuid]
    utc_id_suffix = my-awesome-suffix


New in version 1.5.1.

No more than this number of UUIDs will be sent in a single request. Ifmore UUIDs are requested, an HTTP error response will be thrown.

  1. [uuid]
    max_count = 1000

4.12.4. Vendor information


New in version 1.3.

CouchDB distributors have the option of customizing CouchDB’s welcomemessage. This is returned when requesting GET /.

  1. [vendor]
    name = The Apache Software Foundation
    version = 1.5.0

4.12.5. Content-Security-Policy


Experimental support of CSP Headers for /_utils (Fauxton).

Enable the sending of the Header Content-Security-Policy:

  1. [csp]
    enable = true


You can change the default value for the Header which is sent:

  1. [csp]
    header_value = default-src 'self'; img-src ; font-src ;

原文: http://docs.couchdb.org/en/stable/config/misc.html