
If you have a lot of JS experience, you know that objects are the primary mechanism for creating unordered key/value-pair data structures, otherwise known as maps. However, the major drawback with objects-as-maps is the inability to use a non-string value as the key.

For example, consider:

  1. var m = {};
  2. var x = { id: 1 },
  3. y = { id: 2 };
  4. m[x] = "foo";
  5. m[y] = "bar";
  6. m[x]; // "bar"
  7. m[y]; // "bar"

What’s going on here? The two objects x and y both stringify to "[object Object]", so only that one key is being set in m.

Some have implemented fake maps by maintaining a parallel array of non-string keys alongside an array of the values, such as:

  1. var keys = [], vals = [];
  2. var x = { id: 1 },
  3. y = { id: 2 };
  4. keys.push( x );
  5. vals.push( "foo" );
  6. keys.push( y );
  7. vals.push( "bar" );
  8. keys[0] === x; // true
  9. vals[0]; // "foo"
  10. keys[1] === y; // true
  11. vals[1]; // "bar"

Of course, you wouldn’t want to manage those parallel arrays yourself, so you could define a data structure with methods that automatically do the management under the covers. Besides having to do that work yourself, the main drawback is that access is no longer O(1) time-complexity, but instead is O(n).

But as of ES6, there’s no longer any need to do this! Just use Map(..):

  1. var m = new Map();
  2. var x = { id: 1 },
  3. y = { id: 2 };
  4. m.set( x, "foo" );
  5. m.set( y, "bar" );
  6. m.get( x ); // "foo"
  7. m.get( y ); // "bar"

The only drawback is that you can’t use the [ ] bracket access syntax for setting and retrieving values. But get(..) and set(..) work perfectly suitably instead.

To delete an element from a map, don’t use the delete operator, but instead use the delete(..) method:

  1. m.set( x, "foo" );
  2. m.set( y, "bar" );
  3. m.delete( y );

You can clear the entire map’s contents with clear(). To get the length of a map (i.e., the number of keys), use the size property (not length):

  1. m.set( x, "foo" );
  2. m.set( y, "bar" );
  3. m.size; // 2
  4. m.clear();
  5. m.size; // 0

The Map(..) constructor can also receive an iterable (see “Iterators” in Chapter 3), which must produce a list of arrays, where the first item in each array is the key and the second item is the value. This format for iteration is identical to that produced by the entries() method, explained in the next section. That makes it easy to make a copy of a map:

  1. var m2 = new Map( m.entries() );
  2. // same as:
  3. var m2 = new Map( m );

Because a map instance is an iterable, and its default iterator is the same as entries(), the second shorter form is more preferable.

Of course, you can just manually specify an entries list (array of key/value arrays) in the Map(..) constructor form:

  1. var x = { id: 1 },
  2. y = { id: 2 };
  3. var m = new Map( [
  4. [ x, "foo" ],
  5. [ y, "bar" ]
  6. ] );
  7. m.get( x ); // "foo"
  8. m.get( y ); // "bar"

Map Values

To get the list of values from a map, use values(..), which returns an iterator. In Chapters 2 and 3, we covered various ways to process an iterator sequentially (like an array), such as the ... spread operator and the for..of loop. Also, “Arrays” in Chapter 6 covers the Array.from(..) method in detail. Consider:

  1. var m = new Map();
  2. var x = { id: 1 },
  3. y = { id: 2 };
  4. m.set( x, "foo" );
  5. m.set( y, "bar" );
  6. var vals = [ ...m.values() ];
  7. vals; // ["foo","bar"]
  8. Array.from( m.values() ); // ["foo","bar"]

As discussed in the previous section, you can iterate over a map’s entries using entries() (or the default map iterator). Consider:

  1. var m = new Map();
  2. var x = { id: 1 },
  3. y = { id: 2 };
  4. m.set( x, "foo" );
  5. m.set( y, "bar" );
  6. var vals = [ ...m.entries() ];
  7. vals[0][0] === x; // true
  8. vals[0][1]; // "foo"
  9. vals[1][0] === y; // true
  10. vals[1][1]; // "bar"

Map Keys

To get the list of keys, use keys(), which returns an iterator over the keys in the map:

  1. var m = new Map();
  2. var x = { id: 1 },
  3. y = { id: 2 };
  4. m.set( x, "foo" );
  5. m.set( y, "bar" );
  6. var keys = [ ...m.keys() ];
  7. keys[0] === x; // true
  8. keys[1] === y; // true

To determine if a map has a given key, use has(..):

  1. var m = new Map();
  2. var x = { id: 1 },
  3. y = { id: 2 };
  4. m.set( x, "foo" );
  5. m.has( x ); // true
  6. m.has( y ); // false

Maps essentially let you associate some extra piece of information (the value) with an object (the key) without actually putting that information on the object itself.

While you can use any kind of value as a key for a map, you typically will use objects, as strings and other primitives are already eligible as keys of normal objects. In other words, you’ll probably want to continue to use normal objects for maps unless some or all of the keys need to be objects, in which case map is more appropriate.

Warning: If you use an object as a map key and that object is later discarded (all references unset) in attempt to have garbage collection (GC) reclaim its memory, the map itself will still retain its entry. You will need to remove the entry from the map for it to be GC-eligible. In the next section, we’ll see WeakMaps as a better option for object keys and GC.