
If all the other books in this series essentially propose this challenge, “you (may) not know JS (as much as you thought),” this book has instead suggested, “you don’t know JS anymore.” The book has covered a ton of new stuff added to the language in ES6. It’s an exciting collection of new language features and paradigms that will forever improve our JS programs.

But JS is not done with ES6! Not even close. There’s already quite a few features in various stages of development for the “beyond ES6” timeframe. In this chapter, we briefly looked at some of the most likely candidates to land in JS very soon.

async functions are powerful syntactic sugar on top of the generators + promises pattern (see Chapter 4). Object.observe(..) adds direct native support for observing object change events, which is critical for implementing data binding. The ** exponentiation operator, ... for object properties, and Array#includes(..) are all simple but helpful improvements to existing mechanisms. Finally, SIMD ushers in a new era in the evolution of high performance JS.

Cliché as it sounds, the future of JS is really bright! The challenge of this series, and indeed of this book, is incumbent on every reader now. What are you waiting for? It’s time to get learning and exploring!