Building the manual with Sphinx

This page explains how to build a local copy of the Godot manual using the Sphinx docs engine. This allows you to have local HTML files and build the documentation as a PDF, EPUB, or LaTeX file, for example.

To get started, you need to:

  1. Clone the godot-docs repository.

  2. Install Sphinx

  3. To build the docs as HTML files, install the theme.

  4. Install the Sphinx extensions defined in the godot-docs repository requirements.txt file.

We recommend using pip, Python’s package manager to install all these tools. It comes pre-installed with Python. Ensure that you install and use Python 3. Here are the commands to clone the repository and then install all requirements.


You may need to write python3 -m pip (Unix) or py -m pip (Windows) instead of pip3. If both approaches fail, check that you have pip3 installed.

  1. git clone
  2. pip3 install -r requirements.txt

With the programs installed, you can build the HTML documentation from the root folder of this repository with the following command:

  1. # On Linux and MacOS
  2. make html
  3. # On Windows, you need to execute the ``make.bat`` file instead.
  4. make.bat html

If you run into errors, you may try the following command:

  1. make SPHINXBUILD=~/.local/bin/sphinx-build html

Building the documentation requires at least 8 GB of RAM to run without disk swapping, which slows it down. If you have at least 16 GB of RAM, you can speed up compilation by running:

  1. # On Linux/macOS
  2. make html SPHINXOPTS=-j2
  3. # On Windows
  4. set SPHINXOPTS=-j2 && make html

The compilation will take some time as the classes/ folder contains hundreds of files.

You can then browse the documentation by opening _build/html/index.html in your web browser.

In case you of a MemoryError or EOFError, you can remove the classes/ folder and run make again. This will drop the class references from the final HTML documentation but will keep the rest intact.


If you delete the classes/ folder, do not use git add . when working on a pull request or the whole classes/ folder will be removed when you commit. See #3157 for more detail.

Alternatively, you can build the documentation by running the sphinx-build program manually:

  1. sphinx-build -b html ./ _build

Building with Sphinx and virtualenv

If you want your Sphinx installation scoped to the project, you can install sphinx-build using virtualenv. To do so, run this command from this repository’s root folder:

  1. virtualenv --system-site-packages env/
  2. . env/bin/activate
  3. pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Then, run make html as shown above.