SELECT (Stream)

Get records from a materialized view or a stream. Note that SELECT from streams can only used as a part of CREATE STREAM or CREATE VIEW. When you want to get results in a command-line session, create a materialized view first and then SELECT from it.


  1. SELECT <* | identifier.* | expression [ AS field_alias ] [, ...]>
  2. FROM table_ref [, ...]
  3. [ WHERE expression ]
  4. [ GROUP BY field_name [, ...] ]
  5. [ HAVING expression ];


About expression

expression can be any expression described here, such as temperature, weather.humidity, 114514, 1 + 2, SUM(productions), `COUNT(*)` and even subquery SELECT * FROM stream_test WHERE a > 1. In WHERE and HAVING clauses, expression should have a value of boolean type.

About table_ref

table_ref is a source stream or materialized view:

  1. table_ref ::= <identifier>
  2. | ( <select_query> )
  3. | <table_ref> <join_type> <table_ref> <join_condition>
  4. | <time_window> ( <table_ref> <time_window_parameters> )
  5. | <table_ref> AS <identifier>

It seems quite complex! Do not worry. In a word, a table_ref is something you can retrieve data from. A table_ref can be an identifier, a subquery, a join of two table_refs, a table_ref with a time window or a table_ref with an alias. We will describe them in detail.


Fortunately, the JOIN in our SQL query is the same as the SQL standard, which is used by most of your familiar databases such as MySQL and PostgreSQL. It can be one of:

  • CROSS JOIN, which produces the Cartesian product of two stream and/or materialized view(s). It is equivalent to INNER JOIN ON TRUE. Note that when you use comma(,) between two stream and/or materialized view(s), it implicitly uses CROSS JOIN.
  • [INNER] JOIN, which produces all data in the qualified Cartesian product by the join condition. Note a join condition must be specified.
  • LEFT [OUTER] JOIN, which produces all data in the qualified Cartesian product by the join condition plus one copy of each row in the left-hand table_ref for which there was no right-hand row that passed the join condition(extended with nulls on the right). Note a join condition must be specified.
  • RIGHT [OUTER] JOIN, which produces all data in the qualified Cartesian product by the join condition plus one copy of each row in the right-hand table_ref for which there was no left-hand row that passed the join condition(extended with nulls on the left). Note a join condition must be specified.
  • FULL [OUTER] JOIN, which produces all data in the qualified Cartesian product by the join condition, plus one row for each unmatched left-hand row (extended with nulls on the right), plus one row for each unmatched right-hand row (extended with nulls on the left). Note a join condition must be specified.

A join condition can be any of

  • ON <expression>. The condition passes when the value of the expression is TRUE.
  • USING(column[, ...]). The specified column(s) is matched.
  • NATURAL. The common columns of two table_refs are matched. It is equivalent to USING(common_columns).

Time Windows

A table_ref can also have a time window. It is defined as

  1. time_window ::= TUMBLING some_interval
  2. | HOPPING some_interval some_interval
  3. | SLIDING some_interval

Note that

  • some_interval represents a period of time. See Intervals.


  • A simple query:
  1. SELECT * FROM my_stream;
  • Filtering rows:
  1. SELECT temperature, humidity FROM weather WHERE temperature > 10 AND humidity < 75;
  • Joining streams:
  1. SELECT stream1.temperature, stream2.humidity FROM stream1 JOIN stream2 USING(humidity);
  • Grouping records:
  1. SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TUMBLING(weather, INTERVAL 00:00:10) GROUP BY cityId;
  • Subqueries:
  1. SELECT res.r1 AS mm, res.r2 AS nn FROM (SELECT s01.a AS r1, SUM(s02.c) AS r2 FROM s01 JOIN s02 ON TRUE GROUP BY s02.a) AS res;