Create a new connector for fetching data from or writing data to an external system. A connector can be either a source or a sink one.


Create source connector:

  1. CREATE SOURCE CONNECTOR connector_name FROM source_name WITH (connector_option [, ...]);

Create sink connector:

  1. CREATE SINK CONNECTOR connector_name TO sink_name WITH (connector_option [, ...]);


  • connector_name is a valid identifier.
  • source_name is a valid identifier(mysql, postgresql etc.).
  • There is are some connector options in the WITH clause separated by commas.

check ConnectorsCREATE CONNECTOR - 图1 (opens new window) to find the connectors and their configuration options .


  1. create source connector source01 from mysql with ("host" = "mysql-s1", "port" = 3306, "user" = "root", "password" = "password", "database" = "d1", "table" = "person", "stream" = "stream01");
  1. create sink connector sink01 to postgresql with ("host" = "pg-s1", "port" = 5432, "user" = "postgres", "password" = "postgres", "database" = "d1", "table" = "person", "stream" = "stream01");