Insert a record into specified stream.


  1. INSERT INTO stream_name (field_name [, ...]) VALUES (field_value [, ...]);
  2. INSERT INTO stream_name VALUES 'json_value';
  3. INSERT INTO stream_name VALUES "binary_value";


  • field_value represents the value of corresponding field, which is a constant. The correspondence between field type and inserted value is maintained by users themselves.
  • json_value should be a valid JSON expression. And when inserting a JSON value, remember to put 's around it.
  • binary_value can be any value in the form of a string. It will not be processed by HStreamDB and can only be fetched by certain client API. Remember to put "s around it.


  1. INSERT INTO weather (cityId, temperature, humidity) VALUES (11254469, 12, 65);
  2. INSERT INTO foo VALUES '{"a": 1, "b": "abc"}';
  3. INSERT INTO bar VALUES "some binary value \x01\x02\x03";