
In order to print the routes defined by all the applications, use:

  1. $ bundle exec hanami routes
  2. GET, HEAD / Web::Controllers::Home::Index
  3. books GET, HEAD /books Web::Controllers::Books::Index
  4. new_books GET, HEAD /books/new Web::Controllers::Books::New
  5. books POST /books Web::Controllers::Books::Create
  6. books GET, HEAD /books/:id Web::Controllers::Books::Show
  7. edit_books GET, HEAD /books/:id/edit Web::Controllers::Books::Edit
  8. books PATCH /books/:id Web::Controllers::Books::Update
  9. books DELETE /books/:id Web::Controllers::Books::Destroy
  10. new_account GET, HEAD /account/new Web::Controllers::Account::New
  11. account POST /account Web::Controllers::Account::Create
  12. account GET, HEAD /account Web::Controllers::Account::Show
  13. edit_account GET, HEAD /account/edit Web::Controllers::Account::Edit
  14. account PATCH /account Web::Controllers::Account::Update
  15. account DELETE /account Web::Controllers::Account::Destroy