Image Caching

The optional package Intervention Image Cache extends the package to be capable of image caching.

The caching library uses the Illuminate/Cache package and can be easily integrated into the Laravel 4 Framework. Based on your Laravel cache configuration you are able to choose between Filesystem, Database, Memcached or Redis for the temporary buffer store.

The principle is simple. Once the caching package is installed, you are able to call the static cache method. Every method call to the Intervention Image class is captured and checked by the caching interface. If this particular sequence of operations already have taken place, the data will be loaded directly from the cache instead of a resource-intensive GD operation.


Require the caching package via Composer in your composer.json.

“intervention/imagecache”: “dev-master”

Run Composer to install or update the new requirement.

$ php composer.phar install


$ php composer.phar update

Now you are able to require the vendor/autoload.php file to PSR-0 autoload the library.


Simply pass every manipulation operation as a Closure callback:

  1. // pass calls to image cache
  2. $img = Image::cache(function($image) {
  3. return $image->make('public/foo.jpg')->resize(300, 200)->greyscale();
  4. });

Read the cache method documentation to find out more about the possibilities.

To take the caching one step further, take a look at URL based image manipulation.