fill — fill image with color or pattern


public Intervention\Image\Image fill(mixed $source, [integer $pos_x, integer $pos_y])

Fill current image with given color or another image used as tile for filling. Pass optional x, y coordinates to start at a certain point.

If a certain position is defined, the color at that point on the original image is used to perform a flood fill. If no x,y coordinates are passed, the whole picture is filled no matter what is beneath.



The fill color or image pattern. Pass a color as one of the different color formats or to fill the image with tiles an image resource in the following formats:

  • string - Path of the image in filesystem.
  • string - Binary image data.
  • resource - PHP resource of type gd.
  • object - Instance of Intervention\Image\Image

pos_x (optional)

Starting point on x-axis for the filling.

pos_y (optional)

Starting point on y-axis for the filling.

If a x, y coordinate is defined the filling will be flood filled based on the color at this position.

Return Values

Instance of Intervention\Image\Image


  1. // create empty canvas
  2. $img = Image::canvas(800, 600);
  3. // fill image with color
  4. $img->fill('#cccccc');
  5. // fill image with tiled image
  6. $img->fill('tile.png');
  7. // flood fill image with color
  8. $img->fill('#ff00ff', 0, 0);

See also