
Message NameInvalidRegexp
Message CodeIST0122
DescriptionInvalid Regex

This message occurs when an Istio resource contains an invalid regular expression.

Istio regular expressions use the RE2 regular expression syntax.


You will receive this message:

  1. Warning [IST0122] (VirtualService bad-match.default) Field "uri" regular expression invalid: "[A-Z" (error parsing regexp: missing closing ]: `[A-Z`)

when your cluster has following virtual service:

  1. apiVersion:
  2. kind: VirtualService
  3. metadata:
  4. name: bad-match
  5. spec:
  6. hosts:
  7. - "*"
  8. gateways:
  9. - bookinfo-gateway
  10. http:
  11. - match:
  12. - uri:
  13. regex: "[A-Z"
  14. route:
  15. - destination:
  16. host: productpage

In this example, the regex [A-Z does not follow the RE2 syntax.