7.5 Makie.jl and AlgebraOfGraphics.jl

Since AlgebraOfGraphics.jl uses Makie.jl as a backend, most of advanced customizations such as layouts are only possible by interacting directly with Makie.jl. Makie.jl layouts uses Figure, Axis and other types (see Section 6.6).

You can instantiate a Figure and use the mutating draw! function to draw a layer into an existing Figure or Axis. It is preferable to pass a GridPosition, e.g. fig[1, 1], instead of an Axis because draw! can pass Axis attributes, such as axis labels and axis tick labels, to the underlying visualization. If you pass an Axis to draw! these attributes need to be specified again as keyword arguments inside Axis:

  1. fig = Figure()
  2. # preferable
  3. draw!(fig[1, 1], plt)
  4. # avoid
  5. ax = Axis(fig[1, 1])
  6. draw!(ax, plt)

As an example, let’s create an advanced layout by combining Makie.jl with AlgebraOfGraphics.jl. We’ll use visualizations that had been already covered in this chapter:

  1. # Figure
  2. fig = Figure()
  3. # First Axis
  4. plt_barplot = data(df) *
  5. mapping(
  6. :name,
  7. :grade;
  8. color=:year,
  9. dodge=:year) *
  10. visual(BarPlot)
  11. subfig1 = draw!(fig[1, 1], plt_barplot)
  12. # Second Axis
  13. plt_custom = data(synthetic_df) *
  14. mapping(:x, :y) *
  15. (
  16. visual(Scatter; color=:steelblue, marker=:cross)
  17. + (
  18. linear() * visual(; color=:red, linestyle=:dot, linewidth=5)
  19. )
  20. )
  21. subfig2 = draw!(fig[2, 1:2], plt_custom)
  22. # Third Axis
  23. plt_expectation = data(df) *
  24. mapping(:name, :grade) *
  25. expectation()
  26. subfig3 = draw!(fig[1, 2], plt_expectation)
  27. # Insert the legend
  28. legend!(
  29. fig[end+1, 1:2],
  30. subfig1;
  31. orientation=:horizontal,
  32. tellheight=true
  33. )
  34. # Recover the Figure
  35. fig

Figure 63: AlgebraOfGraphics custom layout with Makie.

Figure 63: AlgebraOfGraphics custom layout with Makie.

Here, we are instantiating a Figure called fig. Then, we proceed by creating three Layers that have the prefix plt_. Each one of these are followed by a draw! with the desired fig’s GridPosition as the first position argument followed by the Layer as the second argument. Furthermore, we use AlgebraOfGraphics.jl’s legend! to add the legend to the visualization. They way legend! works is by passing first the desired fig’s GridPosition for the placement of the legend, and the desired legend labels. For the legend’s label, we use the output of the draw! function that was called in the Layers and that has legend labels already, in our case the plt_barplot. All of the Legend/axislegend keyword arguments (Section 6.2) can be used in legend!. Finally, as the last step, we call the Figure, fig, to recover it after it was mutated by all of the mutating “bang” functions, e.g. draw! and legend!, in order to render our visualization.

NOTE: Don’t forget to check AlgebraOfGraphics.jl documentation for additional examples.

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CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Jose Storopoli, Rik Huijzer, Lazaro Alonso