Postman collection for MeiliSearch

Are you tired of using the curl command in your terminal to test MeiliSearch? It can be tedious to re-write every route when wanting to try out an API.

Postman is a platform that lets you create HTTP requests you can easily reuse and share with everyone. We provide a Postman collection containing all the routes of the MeiliSearch API! 🚀


If you don’t have Postman already, you can download it hereUse with Postman - 图1 (opens new window).
It’s free and available on many OS distributions.

Import the collection

Once you have downloaded the Postman collection, you need to import it into Postman.

Collection import

Edit the configuration


Set the API key if needed (set to masterKey by default):

Edit API Key

Set the host URL (set to MeiliSearch’s local port by default) and the index UID (set to indexUID by default):

Edit variables

The url and indexUID variables are used in all the collection routes, like in this one:

URL example

Start to use it!

You can now run your MeiliSearch instance and create your first index:

Create index