Deploy a MeiliSearch instance on Qovery

The following is a guest post by Romaric Philogène, CEO and Co-Founder of Qovery.


In this tutorial I explain how to deploy a pre-configured MeiliSearch instance in one click.

Qovery provides free Cloud hosting with databases, SSL, a global CDN, and automatic deploys with Git.

Deploying MeiliSearch with Qovery provides:

  • A pre-configured MeiliSearch instance.
  • A free SSD storage.
  • A free SSL.
  • Optional: custom domain.

Step-by-step MeiliSearch deployment

1. Create a Qovery Account

Visit the Qovery dashboardDeploy on Qovery - 图1 (opens new window) to create an account if you don’t already have one.

2. Create a project

  • Click on the “create a project” button and give a name to your project, e.g. MeiliSearch.
  • Click on “next”.

3. Deploy MeiliSearch

meilisearch template

  • Click on the “use a template” button.
  • Select “Meilisearch”.
  • Select your Github or Gitlab repository where Qovery will save your configuration files (Qovery uses Git as the source of truth).
  • Click on “deploy”.

Congrats 🔥 - Your MeiliSearch instance is deployed and ready to be used 🎉