Operator Bundle Tooling in Operator SDK

This document gives an overview of using operator-sdk to work with Operator bundles, namely on-disk bundle directories and creating bundle images/metadata.


The following operator-sdk subcommands create or interact with Operator on-disk bundles and bundle images:

  • generate csv: creates a new or updates an existing CSV in a semantically versioned bundle directory, creates a package manifest if it does not exist, and optionally copies your CRDs to the versioned bundle directory. Read more about this command here.
  • bundle create: creates an Operator bundle image from manifests on disk, or writes bundle image metadata to disk. This subcommand has corresponding functionality to opm alpha bundle build, and is stable. Output and underlying behavior between these commands is the same, except nothing is written to disk unless --generate-only is set (false by default). Refer to opm alpha bundle build docs for more information. CLI differences between these commands: | operator-sdk | opm | |— |— | | operator-sdk bundle create --default=<channel-name> | opm alpha bundle build --default-channel=<channel-name> | | operator-sdk bundle create --generate-only | opm alpha bundle generate | | operator-sdk bundle create <image-tag> | opm alpha bundle build --tag <image-tag> |
  • bundle validate: validates an Operator bundle image. This subcommand has corresponding functionality to opm alpha bundle validate, and is stable. Refer to the opm alpha bundle validate docs for more information. CLI differences between these commands: | operator-sdk | opm | |— |— | | operator-sdk bundle validate <image-tag> | opm alpha bundle validate --tag <image-tag> | | operator-sdk bundle validate <directory> | no equivalent |

Last modified January 1, 0001