Helm Based Operator Watches

The Watches file contains a list of mappings from custom resources, identified by it’s Group, Version, and Kind, to a Helm chart. The Operator expects this mapping file in a predefined location: /opt/helm/watches.yaml

  • group: The group of the Custom Resource that you will be watching.
  • version: The version of the Custom Resource that you will be watching.
  • kind: The kind of the Custom Resource that you will be watching.
  • chart: Specifies a chart to be executed.
  • watchDependentResources: Allows the helm operator to dynamically watch resources that are created by helm (default: true).
  • overrideValues: Values to be used for overriding Helm chart’s defaults. For additional information. Please refer to Using override values and passing environment variables to the Helm chart.

An example Watches file:

  1. ---
  2. # Simple example mapping Foo to the Foo chart
  3. - version: v1alpha1
  4. group: foo.example.com
  5. kind: Foo
  6. chart: helm-charts/foo

Last modified January 1, 0001