operator-sdk add crd

operator-sdk add crd

Adds a Custom Resource Definition (CRD) and the Custom Resource (CR) files


The operator-sdk add crd command will create a Custom Resource Definition (CRD)and the Custom Resource (CR) files for the specified api-version and kind.

Generated CRD filename: /deploy/crds/__crd.yaml Generated CR filename: /deploy/crds/___cr.yaml

  1. <project-name>/deploy path must already exist
  2. --api-version and --kind are required flags to generate the new operator application.
  1. operator-sdk add crd [flags]


  1. --api-version string Kubernetes apiVersion and has a format of $GROUP_NAME/$VERSION (e.g app.example.com/v1alpha1)
  2. --crd-version string CRD version to generate (default "v1")
  3. -h, --help help for crd
  4. --kind string Kubernetes CustomResourceDefintion kind. (e.g AppService)


Last modified April 24, 2020: internal/generate/crd: change default CRD to v1 (#2874) (b17779d7)