operator-sdk test local

operator-sdk test local

Run End-To-End tests locally


Run End-To-End tests locally

  1. operator-sdk test local <path to tests directory> [flags]


  1. --debug Enable debug-level logging
  2. --global-manifest string Path to manifest for Global resources (e.g. CRD manifests)
  3. --go-test-flags string Additional flags to pass to go test
  4. -h, --help help for local
  5. --image string Use a different operator image from the one specified in the namespaced manifest
  6. --kubeconfig string Kubeconfig path
  7. --local-operator-flags string The flags that the operator needs (while using --up-local). Example: "--flag1 value1 --flag2=value2"
  8. --molecule-test-flags string Additional flags to pass to molecule test
  9. --namespace string (Deprecated: use --operator-namespace instead) If non-empty, single namespace to run tests in
  10. --namespaced-manifest string Path to manifest for per-test, namespaced resources (e.g. RBAC and Operator manifest)
  11. --no-setup Disable test resource creation
  12. --operator-namespace string Namespace where the operator will be deployed, CRs will be created and tests will be executed (By default it will be in the default namespace defined in the kubeconfig)
  13. --skip-cleanup-error If set as true, the cleanup function responsible to remove all artifacts will be skipped if an error is faced.
  14. --up-local Enable running operator locally with go run instead of as an image in the cluster
  15. --watch-namespace string (only valid with --up-local) Namespace where the operator watches for changes. Set "" for AllNamespaces, set "ns1,ns2" for MultiNamespace(if not set then watches Operator Namespace


Last modified April 7, 2020: fix CLI docs for website, links and frontmatter (#2799) (8323f56b)