Displays details on the given record from the last returned result-set in a binary format.


  1. DISPLAY RAW RECORD <record-number>
  • <record-number> Defines the relative position of the record in the last result-set.


  • Query the database on the class V to generate a result-set:

    1. orientdb {db=GratefulDeadConcerts}> SELECT song_type, name, performances FROM V LIMIT 6
    3. -----+-------+--------+----------+-------------------------+--------------
    4. # | @RID | @CLASS | song_type | name | performances
    5. -----+-------+--------+----------+-------------------------+--------------
    6. 0 | #9:1 | V | cover | HEY BO DIDDLEY | 5
    7. 1 | #9:2 | V | cover | IM A MAN | 1
    8. 2 | #9:3 | V | cover | NOT FADE AWAY | 531
    9. 3 | #9:4 | V | original | BERTHA | 394
    10. 4 | #9:5 | V | cover | GOING DOWN THE ROAD... | 293
    11. 5 | #9:6 | V | cover | MONA | 1
    12. 6 | #9:7 | V | null | Bo_Diddley | null
    13. -----+-------+--------+-----------+------------------------+-------------
    14. LIMIT EXCEEDED: resultset contains more items not displayed (limit=6)
    15. 6 item(s) found. Query executed in 0.136 sec(s).
  • Display raw record on the song “Hey Bo Diddley” from the result-set:

    1. orientdb {db=GratefulDeadConcerts}> DISPLAY RAW RECORD 0
    3. Raw record content. The size is 292 bytes, while settings force to print first 150 bytes:
    4. �Vsong_type����name����type����performances����out_followed_by����out_written_by����out_sung_by����in_followed_by�����coverHEY BO D

For more information on other commands available, see Console Commands.