

Java Runtime 1.8+


  • Download the release zip file via the github release page.
  • Unzip it. The folder structure should look like this:
  1. |-- Release
  2. |-- config
  3. |--
  4. |-- db
  5. |-- poli.db
  6. |-- jdbc-drivers
  7. |-- poli-x.y.z.jar
  8. |--
  9. |-- start.bat
  10. |...
  • Modify the file.Poli.db is the SQLite database used by the application. It is pre-loaded with database schema and ready to use.

Use absolute path to point to the poli.db file.

For example:

  1. # Windows
  2. spring.datasource.url= jdbc:sqlite:c:/poli-release/db/poli.db
  3. or
  4. # Linux
  5. spring.datasource.url= jdbc:sqlite:/home/user/poli-release/db/poli.db
  • Add JDBC drivers.

There are no JDBC drivers included except the JDBC driver for SQLite. You need to download the JDBC jar files based on the database you'd like to connect to and put those JDBC jar files under /jdbc-drivers.

For example:

  1. |-- jdbc-drivers
  2. |-- postgresql-42.2.5.jar
  3. |-- mysql-connector-java-8.0.12.jar
  4. |-- mssql-jdbc-7.2.0.jre8.jar
  5. |...
  • Run the start script to start the server.
  1. # Windows
  2. start.bat
  4. # Linux
  5. ./