Creates new table in the database.


Flow chart showing the syntax of the CREATE TABLE keyword

The following sections describe the keywords and definitions illustrated in this diagram.


tableName - name is used to reference the table in SQL statements. Internally the table name is used as a directory name on the file system. It can contain both ASCII and Unicode characters.


  • tableName must be a unique name. An error is returned if a table already exists with the requested name.

  • Table names containing spaces or period . character must be enclosed in single quotes, for example:

    1. CREATE TABLE 'example out' (a INT);



columnName - name used to reference a column of a table. As with table names, the column name is used for file names internally. Although it does support both ASCII and Unicode characters, character restrictions specific to the file system still apply.


  • columnName must be unique within each table and must not contain a period . character.

  • The maximum number of columns in a table is 2,147,483,647



typeDef - column type definition with additional options for symbol type.

Flow chart showing the syntax of the different column types


Optional keywords and parameters may follow the symbol type which allow for further optimization on the handling of this type. For more information on the benefits of using this type, see the symbol overview.


  • CAPACITY - an optional keyword used when specifying a symbol type on table creation used to indicate how many distinct values this column is expected to have. When distinctValueEstimate is not explicitly specified, a default value of cairo.default.symbol.capacity is used.

  • distinctValueEstimate - the value used to size data structures for symbols. These data structures will resize themselves when necessary to allow QuestDB to function correctly. Underestimating the symbol value count may result in drop of performance whereas over-estimating may result in higher disk space and memory consumption.


  • CACHE | NOCACHE - a flag to tell QuestDB how to cache a symbol. CACHE means that QuestDB will use Java Heap based Map to resolve symbol values and keys. When a column has a large number of distinct symbol values (over 100,000, for example), the heap impact might be significant and may cause OutOfMemory errors, depending on the heap size. To avoid Java Heap impact, NOCACHE leverages an off-heap structure which can deal with larger value counts but is slower.

    The default option for symbol types is CACHE.


  • inlineIndexDef - when present, QuestDB will create and maintain an index for a symbol column. An index capacity definition may be provided (indexCapacityDef) for storage configuration.

    Flow chart showing the syntax of the INDEX keyword

  • indexCapacityDef - storage options for the index using a valueBlockSize

    Flow chart showing the syntax of the CAPACITY keyword

  • valueBlockSize - index storage parameter that specifies how many row IDs to store in a single storage block on disk. This value is optional and will default to the value of the cairo.index.value.block.size configuration key. Fewer blocks used to store row IDs achieves better performance. At the same time over-sizing valueBlockSize will result in higher than necessary disk space usage.

    Consider an example table with 200 unique stock symbols and 1,000,000,000 records over time. The index will have to store 1,000,000,000 / 200 row IDs for each symbol, i.e. 5,000,000 per symbol.

    • If valueBlockSize is 1,048,576 in this case, QuestDB will use 5 blocks to store the row IDs
    • If valueBlockSize is 1,024 in this case, the block count will be 4,883


  • castDef - casts type of cherry-picked column. columnRef must reference existing column in the selectSql

Flow chart showing the syntax of the cast function


  • indexDef - instructs QuestDB to create an index for one of table’s columns. This clause references column name to be indexed. The referenced column must be of type SYMBOL

Flow chart showing the syntax of the index function


timestamp - references a column in new table, which will be the designated timestamp. Such column must be of type timestamp. For more information on designated timestamps, see the designated timestamp reference.


The designated timestamp column cannot be changed after the table has been created.



partition by - the partitioning strategy for the table. The default partitioning strategy of table is NONE and tables can be partitioned by one of the following:

  • DAY
  • YEAR


The partitioning strategy cannot be changed after the table has been created.



This section demonstrates how to use the CREATE TABLE and CREATE TABLE AS syntax.


The following examples demonstrate creating tables from basic statements, and introduce features such as partitioning and designated timestamps. For more information on the concepts introduced to below, see

  • designated timestamp reference on electing a timestamp column
  • partition documentation which describes how partitions work in QuestDB
  • symbol reference for using the symbol data type

This example will create a table without a designated timestamp and does not have a partitioning strategy applied. New records may be ingested which have timestamp values out of order.

  2. my_table(symb SYMBOL, price DOUBLE, ts TIMESTAMP, s STRING);

The same table can be created and a designated timestamp may be specified. Tables with designated timestamps enforce that new timestamp values appear in chronological order.

  2. my_table(symb SYMBOL, price DOUBLE, ts TIMESTAMP, s STRING)
  3. timestamp(ts);

To partition this table by day, the following query may be used:

  2. my_table(symb SYMBOL, price DOUBLE, ts TIMESTAMP, s STRING)
  3. timestamp(ts)

The following example shows how to create the same table with a designated timestamp, a partitioning strategy and providing parameters for handling the symbol type:

  1. CREATE TABLE my_table(
  2. symb SYMBOL capacity 256 nocache index capacity 1048576,
  3. price DOUBLE,
  5. ) timestamp(ts) PARTITION BY DAY;


Cloning existing SQL structure

When SQL is select * from tab or any arbitrary SQL result, the table data will be copied with the corresponding structure.

  3. rnd_int() a,
  4. rnd_double() b,
  5. rnd_symbol('ABB', 'CDD') c
  6. FROM
  7. long_sequence(100)
  8. WHERE false;
  9. )


Notice the where false condition.


  2. , cast(price AS LONG)
  3. , cast(instrument as SYMBOL INDEX);

Here we changed type of price (assuming it was INT) to LONG and changed type of sym to symbol and created an index.

Create a new table using SQL structure and data

Let’s assume we imported a text file into the table taxi_trips_unordered and now we want to turn this data into time series through ordering trips by pickup_time, assign dedicated timestamp and partition by month:

  1. CREATE TABLE taxi_trips AS(
  2. SELECT * FROM taxi_trips_unordered ORDER BY pickup_time
  3. ) timestamp(pickup_time) PARTITION BY MONTH;