QuestDB offers the option to partition tables by intervals of time. Data for each interval is stored in separate sets of files.

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  • Available partition intervals are NONE, DAY, MONTH and YEAR.
  • Default behaviour is PARTITION BY NONE.
  • Partitions are defined at table creation. For more information, refer to CREATE TABLE section.


Partition is only available on tables with a designated timestamp. The main benefit of using a designated timestamp is that the field in question will enforce an increasing policy on timestamp value. This allows you to leverage specific high-performance time series functions. For more information on designated timestamp, refer to the designated timestamp section.


  • Reduced disk IO for timestamp interval searches. This is because our SQL optimiser leverages partitioning.
  • Significantly improved calculations and seek times. This is achieved by leveraging the chronology and relative immutability of data for previous partitions.
  • Physical separation of data files. This makes it easily to implement file retention policies or extract certain intervals.

Storage example

Each partition effectively is a directory on the host machine corresponding to the partitioning interval. In the example below, we assume a table trips that has been partitioned using PARTITION BY MONTH.

  1. [quest-user trips]$ dir
  2. 2017-03 2017-10 2018-05 2019-02
  3. 2017-04 2017-11 2018-06 2019-03
  4. 2017-05 2017-12 2018-07 2019-04
  5. 2017-06 2018-01 2018-08 2019-05
  6. 2017-07 2018-02 2018-09 2019-06
  7. 2017-08 2018-03 2018-10
  8. 2017-09 2018-04 2018-11

Each partition on the disk contains the column data files of the corresponding timestamp interval.

  1. [quest-user 2019-06]$ dir
  2. _archive cab_type.v dropoff_latitude.d ehail_fee.d
  3. cab_type.d congestion_surcharge.d dropoff_location_id.d extra.d
  4. cab_type.k dropoff_datetime.d dropoff_longitude.d fare_amount.d