Packet manipulation

In this chapter, we’ll try to do variant implementations using the awesome lib, PacketFu[^1].

PacketFu - The packet manipulation

PacketFu Features

  • Manipulating TCP protocol
  • Manipulating UDP protocol
  • Manipulating ICMP protocol
  • Packet Capturing - Support TCPdump style[^2]
  • Read and write PCAP files

Installing PacketFu

Before installing packetfu gem you’ll need to install ruby-dev and libpcap-dev

  1. apt-get -y install libpcap-dev

then install packetfu and pcaprub(required for packet reading and writing from network interfaces)

  • Install packetfu & pcaprub gems
    1. gem install packetfu pcaprub

Basic Usage

Get your interface information

  1. require 'packetfu'
  2. ifconfig = PacketFu::Utils.ifconfig("wlan0")
  3. ifconfig[:iface]
  4. ifconfig[:ip_saddr]
  5. ifconfig[:eth_saddr]

Get MAC address of a remote host

  1. PacketFu::Utils.arp("", :iface => "wlan0")

Read Pcap file

  1. PacketFu::PcapFile.read_packets("file.pcap")

Building TCP Syn packet

  1. require 'packetfu'
  2. def pkts
  3. #$config => "wlan0")).config # set interface
  4. $config => "wlan0").config # use this line instead of above if you face `whoami?': uninitialized constant PacketFu::Capture (NameError)
  5. #
  6. #--> Build TCP/IP
  7. #
  8. #- Build Ethernet header:---------------------------------------
  9. pkt = => $config , :flavor => "Linux") # IP header
  10. # pkt.eth_src = "00:11:22:33:44:55" # Ether header: Source MAC ; you can use: pkt.eth_header.eth_src
  11. # pkt.eth_dst = "FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF" # Ether header: Destination MAC ; you can use: pkt.eth_header.eth_dst
  12. pkt.eth_proto # Ether header: Protocol ; you can use: pkt.eth_header.eth_proto
  13. #- Build IP header:---------------------------------------------
  14. pkt.ip_v = 4 # IP header: IPv4 ; you can use: pkt.ip_header.ip_v
  15. pkt.ip_hl = 5 # IP header: IP header length ; you can use: pkt.ip_header.ip_hl
  16. pkt.ip_tos = 0 # IP header: Type of service ; you can use: pkt.ip_header.ip_tos
  17. pkt.ip_len = 20 # IP header: Total Length ; you can use: pkt.ip_header.ip_len
  18. pkt.ip_id # IP header: Identification ; you can use: pkt.ip_header.ip_id
  19. pkt.ip_frag = 0 # IP header: Don't Fragment ; you can use: pkt.ip_header.ip_frag
  20. pkt.ip_ttl = 115 # IP header: TTL(64) is the default ; you can use: pkt.ip_header.ip_ttl
  21. pkt.ip_proto = 6 # IP header: Protocol = tcp (6) ; you can use: pkt.ip_header.ip_proto
  22. pkt.ip_sum # IP header: Header Checksum ; you can use: pkt.ip_header.ip_sum
  23. pkt.ip_saddr = "" # IP header: Source IP. use $config[:ip_saddr] if you want your real IP ; you can use: pkt.ip_header.ip_saddr
  24. pkt.ip_daddr = "" # IP header: Destination IP ; you can use: pkt.ip_header.ip_daddr
  25. #- TCP header:-------------------------------------------------
  26. pkt.payload = "Hacked!" # TCP header: packet header(body)
  27. pkt.tcp_flags.ack = 0 # TCP header: Acknowledgment
  28. pkt.tcp_flags.fin = 0 # TCP header: Finish
  29. pkt.tcp_flags.psh = 0 # TCP header: Push
  30. pkt.tcp_flags.rst = 0 # TCP header: Reset
  31. pkt.tcp_flags.syn = 1 # TCP header: Synchronize sequence numbers
  32. pkt.tcp_flags.urg = 0 # TCP header: Urgent pointer
  33. pkt.tcp_ecn = 0 # TCP header: ECHO
  34. pkt.tcp_win = 8192 # TCP header: Window
  35. pkt.tcp_hlen = 5 # TCP header: header length
  36. pkt.tcp_src = 5555 # TCP header: Source Port (random is the default )
  37. pkt.tcp_dst = 4444 # TCP header: Destination Port (make it random/range for general scanning)
  38. pkt.recalc # Recalculate/re-build whole pkt (should be at the end)
  39. #--> End of Build TCP/IP
  40. pkt_to_a = [pkt.to_s]
  41. return pkt_to_a
  42. end
  43. def scan
  44. pkt_array = pkts.sort_by{rand}
  45. puts "-" * " [-] Send Syn flag".length + "\n" + " [-] Send Syn flag " + "\n"
  46. inj = => $config[:iface] , :config => $config, :promisc => false)
  47. inj.array_to_wire(:array => pkt_array) # Send/Inject the packet through connection
  48. puts " [-] Done" + "\n" + "-" * " [-] Send Syn flag".length
  49. end
  50. scan

Simple TCPdump

Lets see how we can

  1. require 'packetfu'
  2. capture => "wlan0", :promisc => true, :start => true)
  3. capture.show_live

Simple IDS

This is a simple IDS will print source and destination of any communication has “hacked” payload

  1. require 'packetfu'
  2. capture = => "wlan0", :start => true, :filter => "ip")
  3. loop do
  4. do |pkt|
  5. packet = PacketFu::Packet.parse(pkt)
  6. puts "#{}: " + "Source IP: #{packet.ip_saddr}" + " --> " + "Destination IP: #{packet.ip_daddr}" if packet.payload =~ /hacked/i
  7. end
  8. end

Now try to Netcat any open port then send hacked

  1. echo "Hacked" | nc -nv 4444


  1. 2015-03-04 23:20:38 +0300: Source IP: --> Destination IP:

[^1]: PacketFu Homepage
[^2]: TCPdump Cheat sheet