SNMP Enumeration

  • Install ruby-snmp
    1. gem install snmp

Get Request

Miss configure an SNMP service would gives an attacker a huge mount of information. Let’s to see you we can interact with the server to retrieve some info.

  2. require 'snmp'
  3. # Connect to SNMP server
  4. manager = => '')
  5. # General info
  6. puts "SNMP Version: " + manager.config[:version]
  7. puts "Community: " + manager.config[:community]
  8. puts "Write Community: " + manager.config[:WriteCommunity]
  9. # Get hostname, contact and location
  10. hostname = manager.get("sysName.0") {|vb| vb.value.to_s} # manager.get("sysName.0").varbind_list[0]
  11. contact = manager.get("sysContact.0") {|vb| vb.value.to_s} # manager.get("sysContact.0").varbind_list[0]
  12. location = manager.get("sysLocation.0") {|vb| vb.value.to_s} # manager.get("sysLocation.0").varbind_list[0]
  13. # It would take an array of OIDs
  14. response = manager.get(["sysName.0", "sysContact.0", "sysLocation.0"])
  15. response.each_varbind do |vb|
  16. puts vb.value.to_s
  17. end

Note: the OID names are case sensitive

Set Request

Sometimes we get luck and we get the private/management string of SNMP. At this moment we might be able to apply changes on the system, router, switches configurations.

  1. require 'snmp'
  2. include SNMP
  3. # Connect to SNMP server
  4. manager = => '')
  5. # Config our request to OID
  6. varbind ="","Your System Got Hacked"))
  7. # Send your request with varbind our settings
  8. manager.set(varbind)
  9. # Check our changes
  10. manager.get("sysName.0") {|vb| vb.value.to_s}
  11. manager.close