

SpaceVim 像下面那样调用不同搜索工具的搜索接口:

如果最后一个键(决定范围)是大写字母, 那么就会对当前光标下的单词进行搜索. 举个例子 SPC s a b 将会搜索当前光标下的单词.

如果工具键被省略了, 那么会用默认的搜索工具进行搜索. 默认的搜索工具对应在 g:spacevim_search_tools 列表中的第一个工具. 列表中的工具默认的顺序为: rg, ag, pt, ack then grep. 举个例子 如果 rgag 没有在系统中找到, 那么 SPC s b 会使用 pt 进行搜索.


Tool Key
ag a
grep g
ack k
rg r
pt t


opened buffers b
files in a given directory f
current project p

可以双击按键序列中的第二个键来在当前文件中进行搜索. 举个例子: SPC s a a 会使用 ag 在当前文件中进行搜索.


  • 如果使用源代码管理的话 rg, ag 和 pt 都会被忽略掉, 但是他们可以在任意目录中正常运行.
  • 也可以通过将它们标记在联合缓冲区来一次搜索多个目录.注意 如果你使用 pt, TCL parser tools 同时也需要安装一个名叫 pt 的命令行工具.
Key Binding Description
SPC r l resume the last completion buffer
SPC s ` go back to the previous place before jump
Prefix argument will ask for file extensions
Key Binding Description
SPC s s search with the first found tool
SPC s S search with the first found tool with default input
SPC s a a ag
SPC s a A ag with default input
SPC s g g grep
SPC s g G grep with default input
SPC s r r rg
SPC s r R rg with default input
Key Binding Description
SPC s d searching in buffer directory with default tool
SPC s D searching in buffer directory cursor word with default tool
SPC s a d searching in buffer directory with ag
SPC s a D searching in buffer directory cursor word with ag
SPC s g d searching in buffer directory with grep
SPC s g D searching in buffer directory cursor word with grep
SPC s k d searching in buffer directory with ack
SPC s k D searching in buffer directory cursor word with ack
SPC s r d searching in buffer directory with rg
SPC s r D searching in buffer directory cursor word with rg
SPC s t d searching in buffer directory with pt
SPC s t D searching in buffer directory cursor word with pt
Key Binding Description
SPC s b search with the first found tool
SPC s B search with the first found tool with default input
SPC s a b ag
SPC s a B ag with default input
SPC s g b grep
SPC s g B grep with default input
SPC s k b ack
SPC s k B ack with default input
SPC s r b rg
SPC s r B rg with default input
SPC s t b pt
SPC s t B pt with default input
Key Binding Description
SPC s f search with the first found tool
SPC s F search with the first found tool with default input
SPC s a f ag
SPC s a F ag with default text
SPC s g f grep
SPC s g F grep with default text
SPC s k f ack
SPC s k F ack with default text
SPC s r f rg
SPC s r F rg with default text
SPC s t f pt
SPC s t F pt with default text
Key Binding Description
SPC / or SPC s p search with the first found tool
SPC * or SPC s P search with the first found tool with default input
SPC s a p ag
SPC s a P ag with default text
SPC s g p grep
SPC s g p grep with default text
SPC s k p ack
SPC s k P ack with default text
SPC s t p pt
SPC s t P pt with default text
SPC s r p rg
SPC s r P rg with default text

提示: 在工程中进行搜索的话, 无需提前打开文件. 在工程保存目录中使用 SPC p p 和 C-s , 就比如 SPC s p.(TODO) 



Key Binding Description
SPC s j searching input expr background with the first found tool
SPC s J searching cursor word background with the first found tool
SPC s l List all searching result in quickfix buffer
SPC s a j ag
SPC s a J ag with default text
SPC s g j grep
SPC s g J grep with default text
SPC s k j ack
SPC s k J ack with default text
SPC s t j pt
SPC s t J pt with default text
SPC s r j rg
SPC s r J rg with default text
Key Binding Description
SPC s w g Get Google suggestions in vim. Opens Google results in Browser.
SPC s w w Get Wikipedia suggestions in vim. Opens Wikipedia page in Browser.(TODO)

注意: 为了在 vim 中使用谷歌 suggestions , 你需要在你的默认配置文件中加入 let g:spacevim_enable_googlesuggest = 1.


Key Binding Description
SPC s g G Searching in project on the fly with default tools

FlyGrep 缓冲区的按键绑定:

Key Binding Description
<Esc> close FlyGrep buffer
<Enter> open file at the cursor line
<Tab> move cursor line down
<S-Tab> move cursor line up
<Bs> remove last character
<C-w> remove the Word before the cursor
<C-u> remove the Line before the cursor
<C-k> remove the Line after the cursor
<C-a>/<Home> Go to the beginning of the line
<C-e>/<End> Go to the end of the line


SPaceVim 使用 g:spacevim_search_highlight_persist 保持当前搜索结果的高亮状态到下一次搜索.同样可以通过 SPC s c 或者 运行 ex 命令 :noh 来取消搜索结果的高亮表示.

Highlight current symbol

SpaceVim supports highlighting of the current symbol on demand and add a transient state to easily navigate and rename these symbol.

It is also possible to change the range of the navigation on the fly to:

  • buffer
  • function
  • visible area
    To Highlight the current symbol under point press SPC s h.

Navigation between the highlighted symbols can be done with the commands:

Key Binding Description
* initiate navigation transient state on current symbol and jump forwards
# initiate navigation transient state on current symbol and jump backwards
SPC s e edit all occurrences of the current symbol
SPC s h highlight the current symbol and all its occurrence within the current range
SPC s H go to the last searched occurrence of the last highlighted symbol

In highlight symbol transient state:

Key Binding Description
e edit occurrences (*)
n go to next occurrence
N/p go to previous occurrence
b search occurrence in all buffers
/ search occurrence in whole project
Tab toggle highlight current occurrence
r change range (function, display area, whole buffer)
R go to home occurrence (reset position to starting occurrence)
Any other key leave the navigation transient state