



文本相关的命令 (以 x 开头):

Key Binding Description
SPC x a & align region at &
SPC x a ( align region at (
SPC x a ) align region at )
SPC x a [ align region at [
SPC x a ] align region at ]
SPC x a { align region at {
SPC x a } align region at }
SPC x a , align region at ,
SPC x a . align region at . (for numeric tables)
SPC x a : align region at :
SPC x a ; align region at ;
SPC x a = align region at =
SPC x a ¦ align region at ¦
SPC x a align region at
SPC x a a align region (or guessed section) using default rules (TODO)
SPC x a c align current indentation region using default rules (TODO)
SPC x a l left-align with evil-lion (TODO)
SPC x a L right-align with evil-lion (TODO)
SPC x a r align region using user-specified regexp (TODO)
SPC x a m align region at arithmetic operators (+-*/) (TODO)
SPC x c count the number of chars/words/lines in the selection region
SPC x d w delete trailing whitespaces
SPC x d SPC Delete all spaces and tabs around point, leaving one space
SPC x g l set lanuages used by translate commands (TODO)
SPC x g t translate current word using Google Translate
SPC x g T reverse source and target languages (TODO)
SPC x i c change symbol style to lowerCamelCase
SPC x i C change symbol style to UpperCamelCase
SPC x i i cycle symbol naming styles (i to keep cycling)
SPC x i - change symbol style to kebab-case
SPC x i k change symbol style to kebab-case
SPC x i _ change symbol style to under_score
SPC x i u change symbol style to under_score
SPC x i U change symbol style to UP_CASE
SPC x j c set the justification to center (TODO)
SPC x j f set the justification to full (TODO)
SPC x j l set the justification to left (TODO)
SPC x j n set the justification to none (TODO)
SPC x j r set the justification to right (TODO)
SPC x J move down a line of text (enter transient state)
SPC x K move up a line of text (enter transient state)
SPC x l d duplicate line or region (TODO)
SPC x l s sort lines (TODO)
SPC x l u uniquify lines (TODO)
SPC x o use avy to select a link in the frame and open it (TODO)
SPC x O use avy to select multiple links in the frame and open them (TODO)
SPC x t c swap (transpose) the current character with the previous one
SPC x t w swap (transpose) the current word with the previous one
SPC x t l swap (transpose) the current line with the previous one
SPC x u set the selected text to lower case (TODO)
SPC x U set the selected text to upper case (TODO)
SPC x w c count the number of occurrences per word in the select region (TODO)
SPC x w d show dictionary entry of word from wordnik.com (TODO)
SPC x TAB indent or dedent a region rigidly (TODO)


文本插入相关命令(以 i 开头):

Key binding Description
SPC i l l insert lorem-ipsum list
SPC i l p insert lorem-ipsum paragraph
SPC i l s insert lorem-ipsum sentence
SPC i p 1 insert simple password
SPC i p 2 insert stronger password
SPC i p 3 insert password for paranoids
SPC i p p insert a phonetically easy password
SPC i p n insert a numerical password
SPC i u Search for Unicode characters and insert them into the active buffer.
SPC i U 1 insert UUIDv1 (use universal argument to insert with CID format)
SPC i U 4 insert UUIDv4 (use universal argument to insert with CID format)
SPC i U U insert UUIDv4 (use universal argument to insert with CID format)

Increase/Decrease numbers

Key Binding Description
SPC n + increase the number under point by one and initiate transient state
SPC n - decrease the number under point by one and initiate transient state

In transient state:

Key Binding Description
+ increase the number under point by one
- decrease the number under point by one
Any other key leave the transient state

Tips: you can increase or decrease a value by more that once by using a prefix argument (i.e. 10 SPC n + will add 10 to the number under point).

Replace text with iedit

SpaceVim uses powerful iedit mode to quick edit multiple occurrences of a symbol or selection.

Two new modes: iedit-Normal/iedit-Insert

The default color for iedit is red/green which is based on the current colorscheme.

iedit states key bindings

State transitions:

Key Binding From to
SPC s e normal or visual iedit-Normal

In iedit-Normal mode:

iedit-Normal mode inherits from Normal mode, the following key bindings are specific to iedit-Normal mode.

Key Binding Description
Esc go back to Normal mode
i switch to iedit-Insert mode, same as i
a switch to iedit-Insert mode, same as a
I go to the beginning of the current occurrence and switch to iedit-Insert mode
A go to the end of the current occurrence and switch to iedit-Insert mode
<Left>/h Move cursor to left
<Right>/l Move cursor to right
0/<Home> go to the beginning of the current occurrence
$/<End> go to the end of the current occurrence
D delete the occurrences
S delete the occurrences and switch to iedit-Insert mode
gg go to first occurrence
G go to last occurrence
n go to next occurrence
N go to previous occurrence
p replace occurrences with last yanked (copied) text
<Tab> toggle current occurrence

In iedit-Insert mode:

Key Binding Description
Esc go back to iedit-Normal mode
<Left> Move cursor to left
<Right> Move cursor to right
<C-w> delete words before cursor
<C-K> delete words after cursor


注释(comment)通过下面的工具来处理 nerdcommenter, 它用下面的按键来界定范围.

Key Binding Description
SPC ; comment operator
SPC c h hide/show comments
SPC c l comment lines
SPC c L invert comment lines
SPC c p comment paragraphs
SPC c P invert comment paragraphs
SPC c t comment to line
SPC c T invert comment to line
SPC c y comment and yank
SPC c Y invert comment and yank

小提示:SPC ; SPC j l 组合键高效的注释一个文本块的所有内容.


SpaceVim 默认使用 utf-8 码进行编码. 下面是 utf-8 编码的四个设置:

  • fileencodings (fencs): ucs-bom,utf-8,default,latin1
  • fileencoding (fenc): utf-8
  • encoding (enc): utf-8
  • termencoding (tenc): utf-8 (only supported in vim)
    修复混乱的显示: SPC e a 是自动选择文件编码的按键映射. 在选择好文件编码方式后, 你可以运行下面的代码来修复编码:
  1. set enc=utf-8
  2. write