Table management

Designing proper table objects is a key part of using PostgreSQL. Creating the appropriate indexes and table schema for a given workload can result in significant performance improvements (and conversely, designing the wrong schema can result in significant performance degradation).

TimescaleDB supports all table objects supported within PostgreSQL, including data types, indexes, and triggers.

Note that sometimes it is useful to have a flexible schema, in particular when storing semi-structured data (e.g., storing readings from IoT sensors collecting varying measurements). For these cases, TimescaleDB also supports the PostgreSQL JSON and JSONB datatypes.

In this section, we provide detailed examples and best practices of how to create appropriate indexes, triggers, constraints, and tablespaces on your tables, as well as how to appropriately utilize the JSON and JSONB datatypes.

TIP:One of the most common ways of getting information about various aspects of your database is through psql, the interactive terminal. See the PostgreSQL docs for more information.

Indexing Data

TimescaleDB supports the range of PostgreSQL index types, and creating, altering, or dropping an index on the hypertable (PostgreSQL docs) will similarly be propagated to all its constituent chunks.

Data is indexed via the SQL CREATE INDEX command. For instance,

  1. CREATE INDEX ON conditions (location, time DESC);

This can be done before or after converting the table to a hypertable.

TIP:For sparse data where a column is often NULL, we suggest adding a WHERE column IS NOT NULL clause to the index (unless you are often searching for missing data). For example,

  1. CREATE INDEX ON conditions (time DESC, humidity)
  2. WHERE humidity IS NOT NULL;

this creates a more compact, and thus efficient, index.

Best Practices

Our experience has shown that for time-series data, the most-useful index type varies depending on your data.

For indexing columns with discrete (limited-cardinality) values (e.g., where you are most likely to use an “equals” or “not equals” comparator) we suggest using an index like this (using our hypertable conditions for the example):

  1. CREATE INDEX ON conditions (location, time DESC);

For all other types of columns, i.e., columns with continuous values (e.g., where you are most likely to use a “less than” or “greater than” comparator) the index should be in the form:

  1. CREATE INDEX ON conditions (time DESC, temperature);

Having a time DESC column specification in the index allows for efficient queries by column-value and time. For example, the index defined above would optimize the following query:

  1. SELECT * FROM conditions WHERE location = 'garage'
  2. ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 10

To understand why composite indexes should be defined in such a fashion, consider an example with two locations (“office” and “garage”), and various timestamps and temperatures:

An index on (location, time DESC) would be organized in sorted order as follows:

  1. garage-4
  2. garage-3
  3. garage-2
  4. garage-1
  5. office-3
  6. office-2
  7. office-1

An index on (time DESC, location) would be organized in sorted order as follows:

  1. 4-garage
  2. 3-garage
  3. 3-office
  4. 2-garage
  5. 2-office
  6. 1-garage
  7. 1-office

One can think of an index’s btrees as being constructed from the most significant bit downwards, so it first matches on the first character, then second, etc., while in the above example they are conveniently shown as two separate tuples.

Now, with a predicate like WHERE location = 'garage' and time >= 1 and time < 4, the top is much better to use: all readings from a given location are contiguous, so the first bit of the index precisely finds all metrics from “garage”, and then we can use any additional time predicates to further narrow down the selected set. With the latter, you would have to look over all of the time records [1,4), and then once again find the right device in each. Much less efficient.

On the other hand, consider if our conditional was instead asking temperature > 80, particularly if that conditional matched a larger number of values. You still need to search through all sets of time values matching your predicate, but in each one, your query also grabs a (potentially large) subset of the values, rather than just one distinct one.

TIP: To define an index as UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY, the time column and, if it exists, the partitioning column must be part of the index. That is, using our running example, you can define a unique index on just the{time, location} fields, or to include additional columns (say, temperature). That said, we find UNIQUE indexes in time-series data to be much less prevalent than in traditional relational data models.

Default Indexes

By default, TimescaleDB automatically creates a time index on your data when a hypertable is created.

  1. CREATE INDEX ON conditions (time DESC);

Additionally, if the create_hypertable command specifies an optional “space partition” in addition to time (say, the location column), TimescaleDB will automatically create the following index:

  1. CREATE INDEX ON conditions (location, time DESC);

This default behavior can be overridden when executing the create_hypertable command.

Creating Triggers

TimescaleDB supports the full range of PostgreSQL triggers, and creating, altering, or dropping triggers on the hypertable will similarly propagate these changes to all of a hypertable’s constituent chunks.

In the following example, let’s say you want to create a new table error_conditions with the same schema as conditions, but designed to only store records which are deemed erroneous, where an application signals a sensor error by sending a temperature or humidity having a value >= 1000.

So, we’ll take a two-step approach. First, let’s create a function that will insert data deemed erroneous into this second table:

  1. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION record_error()
  2. RETURNS trigger AS $record_error$
  3. BEGIN
  4. IF NEW.temperature >= 1000 OR NEW.humidity >= 1000 THEN
  5. INSERT INTO error_conditions
  6. VALUES(NEW.time, NEW.location, NEW.temperature, NEW.humidity);
  7. END IF;
  9. END;
  10. $record_error$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

Second, create a trigger that will call this function whenever a new row is inserted into the hypertable.

  1. CREATE TRIGGER record_error
  2. BEFORE INSERT ON conditions
  4. EXECUTE PROCEDURE record_error();

Now, all data is inserted into the conditions data, but any row deemed erroneous is also added to the error_conditions table.

TimescaleDB supports the full gamut of triggers: BEFORE INSERT, AFTER INSERT, BEFORE UPDATE, AFTER UPDATE, BEFORE DELETE, AFTER DELETE. For additional information, see the PostgreSQL docs.

Adding Constraints

Hypertables support all standard PostgreSQL constraint types, with the exception of foreign key constraints on other tables that reference values in a hypertable. Creating, deleting, or altering constraints on hypertables will propagate to chunks, accounting also for any indexes associated with the constraints. For instance, a table can be created as follows:

  1. CREATE TABLE conditions (
  3. temp FLOAT NOT NULL,
  4. device_id INTEGER CHECK (device_id > 0),
  5. location INTEGER REFERENCES locations (id),
  6. PRIMARY KEY(time, device_id)
  7. );
  8. SELECT create_hypertable('conditions', 'time');

This table will only allow positive device IDs, non-null temperature readings, and will guarantee unique time values for each device. It also references values in another locations table via a foreign key constraint. Note that time columns used for partitioning do not allow NULL values by default. TimescaleDB will automatically add a NOT NULL constraint to such columns if missing.

For additional information on how to manage constraints, see the PostgreSQL docs.

JSON support for semi-structured data

TimescaleDB can work with any data types available in PostgreSQL, including JSON and JSONB. These datatypes are most useful for data that contains user-defined fields (i.e., fields names that are defined by individual users and vary from user-to-user). We recommend using this in a semi-structured way:

  1. CREATE TABLE metrics (
  2. time TIMESTAMPTZ,
  3. user_id INT,
  4. device_id INT,
  5. data JSONB
  6. );

The above model schema demonstrates some best practices when using JSON:

  1. Common fields such as time, user_id, and device_id are pulled outside of the JSONB structure and stored as columns. This is because field accesses are more efficient on table columns than inside of JSONB structures. Storage is also more efficient.

  2. We use the JSONB data type (that is, JSON stored in a binary format) and not the JSON data type. JSONB data types are are more efficient in both storage overhead and lookup performance.

TIP: Often, people use JSON for sparse data as opposed to user-defined data. We do not recommend this usage inside TimescaleDB for most datasets (unless the data is extremely sparse, e.g., more than 95% of fields for a row are empty). Instead, we suggest using NULLable fields and, if possible, running on top of a compressed file system like ZFS.

Indexing the entire JSONB structure

When indexing JSONB data across all fields that may be contained inside, it is often best to use a GIN index. PostgreSQL documentation has a nice description of the different types of GIN indexes available on JSON data. If in doubt, it is best to use the default GIN operator since it allows for more powerful queries:

  1. CREATE INDEX idxgin ON metrics USING GIN (data);

Please note that this index will only optimize queries for which the WHERE clause uses the ?, ?&, ?|, or @> operator (for a description of these operators see this table in the PostgreSQL docs). So you should make sure to structure your queries appropriately.

Indexing individual fields within a JSONB

Sometimes, JSONB columns have common fields whose values are useful to index individually. Such indexes could be useful for ordering operations on field values, multicolumn indexes, and indexes on specialized types (for example, using a field value as a postGIS geography type). Another advantage of indexes on individual field values is that they are often smaller than GIN indexes on the entire JSONB field. To create such an index, it is often useful to use a partial index on an expression accessing the field. For example,

  1. CREATE INDEX idxcpu
  2. ON metrics(((data->>'cpu')::double precision))
  3. WHERE data ? 'cpu';

In this example, the expression being indexed is the cpu field inside the data JSONB object cast to a double. The cast reduces the size of the index by storing the (much smaller) double instead of a string. The WHERE clause ensures that the only rows included in the index are those that contain a cpu field (i.e., data ? 'cpu' returns true). This also serves to reduce the size of the index by not including rows without a cpu field. Note that in order for a query to use the index, it must have data ? 'cpu' in the WHERE clause.

The expression above can be used with a multi-column index (e.g., adding time DESC as a leading column). Note, however, that to enable index-only scans, you need data as a column, not the full expression ((data->>'cpu')::double precision).

Altering/updating table schemas

TimescaleDB supports using the ALTER TABLE command to modify the schema of the hypertable. A change to the hypertable schema results in changes to the schema of each underlying chunk.

This change can be a potentially expensive operation if it requires a rewrite of the underlying data. However, a common modification is to add a field with a default value of NULL (if no DEFAULT clause is specified, then the default will be NULL); such a schema modification is inexpensive. More details can be found in the Notes section of the PostgreSQL documentation on ALTER TABLE.

Storage management with tablespaces

An administrator can use tablespaces to manage storage for a hypertable. A tablespace is a location on a file system where database objects (e.g., tables and indexes) are stored. Review the standard PostgreSQL documentation on tablespaces for more information, including how to create tablespaces.

Since a hypertable comprises a number of chunks, each chunk can be placed in a specific tablespace, allowing the hypertable to grow across many disks. To this end, TimescaleDB allows attaching and detaching tablespaces on a hypertable. When new chunks are created, one of the hypertable’s attached tablespaces is picked by the runtime to store the chunk’s data. Thus, a typical use case is to detach a tablespace from a hypertable when the tablespace runs out of disk space and attach a new one that has free space. A hypertable’s attached tablespaces can be viewed with the show_tablespaces command.

How hypertable chunks are assigned tablespaces

A hypertable can be partitioned in multiple dimensions, but only one of the dimensions is used to determine the tablespace assigned to a particular hypertable chunk. If a hypertable has one or more hash-partitioned (“space”) dimensions, then the first hash-partitioned dimension is used. Otherwise, the first time dimension is used. This assignment strategy ensures that hash-partitioned hypertables will have chunks colocated according to hash partition, as long as the list of tablespaces attached to the hypertable remains the same. Modulo calculation is used to pick a tablespace, so there can be more partitions than tablespaces (e.g., if there are two tablespaces, partition number three will use the first tablespace).

TIP:Note that attaching more tablespaces than there are partitions for the hypertable might leave some tablespaces unused until some of them are detached or additional partitions are added. This is especially true for hash-partitioned tables.

Hypertables that are only time-partitioned will add new partitions continuously, and will therefore have chunks assigned to tablespaces in a way similar to round-robin.