Install and uninstall WasmEdge

Quick install

The easiest way to install WasmEdge is to run the following command. Your system should have git and curl as prerequisites.

  1. curl -sSf | bash

For Windows 10, you could use Windows Package Manager Client (aka winget.exe) to install WasmEdge with a single command in your terminal.

  1. winget install wasmedge

If you would like to install WasmEdge with its Tensorflow and image processing extensions, please run the following command. It will attempt to install Tensorflow and image shared libraries on your system.

  1. curl -sSf | bash -s -- -e all

Run the following command to make the installed binary available in the current session.

  1. source $HOME/.wasmedge/env

That’s it! You can now use WasmEdge from the CLI, or launch it from an application. To update WasmEdge to a new release, just re-run the above command to write over the old files.

Install for all users

By default, WasmEdge is installed in the $HOME/.wasmedge directory. You can install it into a system directory, such as /usr/local to make it available to all users. To specify an install directory, you can run the script with the -p flag. You will need to run the following commands as the root user or sudo since they write into system directories.

  1. curl -sSf | bash -s -- -p /usr/local

Or, with all extensions

  1. curl -sSf | bash -s -- -e all -p /usr/local

Install a specific version of WasmEdge

You could install specific versions of WasmEdge, including pre-releases or old releases by passing the -v argument to the install script. Here is an example.

  1. curl -sSf | bash -s -- -e all -v 0.10.0

If you are interested in the latest builds from the HEAD of the master branch, which is basically WasmEdge’s nightly builds, you can download the release package directly from our Github Action’s CI artifact. Here is an example.

What’s installed

After installation, you have the following directories and files. Here we assume that you installed into the $HOME/.wasmedge directory. You could also change it to /usr/local if you did a system-wide install.

If you used winget to install WasmEdge, files are located at C:\Program Files\WasmEdge.

  • The $HOME/.wasmedge/bin directory contains the WasmEdge Runtime CLI executable files. You can copy and move them around on your file system.
    • The wasmedge tool is the standard WasmEdge runtime. You can use it from the CLI. wasmedge --dir .:. app.wasm
    • The wasmedgec tool is the AOT compiler to compile a wasm file into a native so file. wasmedgec app.wasm The wasmedge can then execute the so file. wasmedge --dir .:.
    • The wasmedge-tensorflow, wasmedge-tensorflow-lite tools are runtimes that support the WasmEdge tensorflow SDK.
  • The $HOME/.wasmedge/lib directory contains WasmEdge shared libraries, as well as dependency libraries. They are useful for WasmEdge SDKs to launch WasmEdge programs and functions from host applications.
  • The $HOME/.wasmedge/include directory contains the WasmEdge header files. They are useful for WasmEdge SDKs.


To uninstall WasmEdge, you can run the following command.

  1. bash <(curl -sSf

If wasmedge binary is not in PATH and it wasn’t installed in the default $HOME/.wasmedge folder, then you must provide the installation path.

  1. bash <(curl -sSf -p /path/to/parent/folder

If you wish to uninstall uninteractively, you can pass in the --quick or -q flag.

  1. bash <(curl -sSf -q

If a parent folder of the wasmedge binary contains .wasmedge, the folder will be considered for removal. For example, the script removes the default $HOME/.wasmedge folder altogether.

If you used winget to install WasmEdge, run the following command.

  1. winget uninstall wasmedge

Install WasmEdge for Node.js

WasmEdge can run WebAssembly functions emebedded in Node.js applications. To install the WasmEdge module in your Node.js environment is easy. Just use the npm tool.

  1. npm install -g wasmedge-core # Append --unsafe-perm if permission denied

To install WasmEdge with Tensorflow and other extensions.

  1. npm install -g wasmedge-extensions # Append --unsafe-perm if permission denied

The Second State Functions is a WasmEdge-based FaaS service build on Node.js.