
MaxAbsScaler transforms a dataset of Vector rows,rescaling each feature to range [-1, 1] by dividing through the maximum absolute value in each feature.


Name Description Type Required? Default Value
selectedCols Names of the columns used for processing String[]
outputCols Names of the output columns String[] null

Script Example


  1. data = np.array([
  2. ["a", 10.0, 100],
  3. ["b", -2.5, 9],
  4. ["c", 100.2, 1],
  5. ["d", -99.9, 100],
  6. ["a", 1.4, 1],
  7. ["b", -2.2, 9],
  8. ["c", 100.9, 1]
  9. ])
  10. colnames = ["col1", "col2", "col3"]
  11. selectedColNames = ["col2", "col3"]
  12. df = pd.DataFrame({"col1": data[:, 0], "col2": data[:, 1], "col3": data[:, 2]})
  13. inOp = dataframeToOperator(df, schemaStr='col1 string, col2 double, col3 long', op_type='batch')
  14. sinOp = dataframeToOperator(df, schemaStr='col1 string, col2 double, col3 long', op_type='stream')
  15. model = MaxAbsScaler()\
  16. .setSelectedCols(selectedColNames)\
  17. .fit(inOp)
  18. model.transform(inOp).print()
  19. model.transform(sinOp).print()
  20. StreamOperator.execute()


  1. col1 col2 col3
  2. 0 a 0.099108 1.00
  3. 1 b -0.024777 0.09
  4. 2 c 0.993062 0.01
  5. 3 d -0.990089 1.00
  6. 4 a 0.013875 0.01
  7. 5 b -0.021804 0.09
  8. 6 c 1.000000 0.01