
Ridge regression predict batch operator.


Name Description Type Required? Default Value
reservedCols Names of the columns to be retained in the output table String[] null
predictionCol Column name of prediction. String
vectorCol Name of a vector column String null

Script Example


  1. data = np.array([
  2. [2, 1, 1],
  3. [3, 2, 1],
  4. [4, 3, 2],
  5. [2, 4, 1],
  6. [2, 2, 1],
  7. [4, 3, 2],
  8. [1, 2, 1],
  9. [5, 3, 3]])
  10. df = pd.DataFrame({"f0": data[:, 0],
  11. "f1": data[:, 1],
  12. "label": data[:, 2]})
  13. batchData = dataframeToOperator(df, schemaStr='f0 int, f1 int, label int', op_type='batch')
  14. colnames = ["f0","f1"]
  15. ridge = RidgeRegTrainBatchOp().setLambda(0.1).setFeatureCols(colnames).setLabelCol("label")
  16. model =
  17. predictor = RidgeRegPredictBatchOp().setPredictionCol("pred")
  18. predictor.linkFrom(model, batchData).print()


f0 f1 label pred
2 1 1 0.830304
3 2 1 1.377312
4 3 2 1.924320
2 4 1 1.159119
2 2 1 0.939909
4 3 2 1.924320
1 2 1 0.502506
5 3 3 2.361724