Running Antrea In Policy Only Mode

Antrea supports chaining with routed CNI implementations such as EKS CNI. In this mode, Antrea enforces Kubernetes NetworkPolicy, and delegates Pod IP management and network connectivity to the primary CNI.


Antrea is designed to work as NetworkPolicy plug-in to work together with a routed CNIs. For as long as a CNI implementation fits into this model, Antrea may be inserted to enforce NetworkPolicy in that CNI’s environment using Open VSwitch(OVS).

"Antrea Switched CNI"

The above diagram depicts a routed CNI network topology on the left, and what it looks like after Antrea inserts the OVS bridge into the data path.

The diagram on the left illustrates a routed CNI network topology such as AWS EKS. In this topology a Pod connects to the host network via a point-to-point(PtP) like device, such as (but not limited to) a veth-pair. On the host network, a host route with corresponding Pod’s IP address as destination is created on each PtP device. Within each Pod, routes are configured to ensure all outgoing traffic is sent over this PtP device, and incoming traffic is received on this PtP device. This is a spoke-and-hub model, where to/from Pod traffic, even within the same worker Node must traverse first to the host network and be routed by it.

When a Pod is instantiated, the container runtime first calls the primary CNI to configure Pod’s IP, route table, DNS etc, and then connects Pod to host network with a PtP device such as a veth-pair. When Antrea is chained with this primary CNI, container runtime then calls Antrea Agent, and the Antrea Agent attaches Pod’s PtP device to the OVS bridge, and moves the host route to the Pod to local host gateway(antrea-gw0) interface from the PtP device. This is illustrated by the diagram on the right.

Antrea needs to satisfy that 1. All IP packets, sent on antrea-gw0 in the host network, are received by the Pods exactly the same as if the OVS bridge had not been inserted. 1. Similarly all IP packets, sent by Pods, are received by other Pods or the host network exactly the same as if OVS bridge had not been inserted. 1. There are no requirements on Pod MAC addresses as all MAC addresses stays within the OVS bridge.

To satisfy the above requirements, Antrea needs no knowledge of Pod’s network configurations nor of underlying CNI network, it simply needs to program the following OVS flows on the OVS bridge: 1. A default ARP responder flow that answers any ARP request. Its sole purpose is so that a Pod’s neighbor may be resolved, and packets may be sent by that Pod to that neighbor. 1. IP packets are routed based on their destination IP if it matches any local Pod’s IP. 1. All other IP packets are routed to host network via antrea-gw0 interface.

These flows together handle all Pod traffic patterns with exception of Pod-to-Service traffic that we will address next.

Handling Pod-To-Service

The discussion in this section is relevant also to Pod-to-Service traffic in NoEncap traffic mode. Antrea applies the same principle to handle Pod-to-Service traffic in all traffic modes where traffic requires no encapsulation.

Antrea uses kube-proxy for load balancing. At the same time, it also supports Pod level NetworkPolicy enforcement.

This means that a Pod-to-Service traffic flow needs to
1. first traverse to the host network for load balancing (DNAT), then 1. come back to OVS bridge for Pod Egress NetworkPolicy processing, and 1. go back to the host network yet again to be forwarded, if DNATed destination in 1) is an inter-Node Pod or external network entity.

We refer to the last traffic pattern as re-entrance traffic because in this pattern, a traffic flow enters host network twice — first time for load balancing, and second time for forwarding.

Denote - VIP as cluster IP of a service - SP_IP/DP_IP as respective client and server Pod IP - VPort as service port of a service - TPort as target port of server Pod - SPort as original source port

The service request’s 5-tuples upon first and second entrance to the host network, and its reply’s 5-tuples would be like

  1. request/service:
  2. -- Entering Host Network(via antrea-gw0): SP_IP/SPort->VIP/VPort
  3. -- After LB(DNAT): SP_IP/SPort->DP_IP/TPort
  4. -- After Route(to antrea-gw0): SP_IP/SPort->DP_IP/TPort
  5. request/forwarding:
  6. -- Entering Host Network(via antrea-gw0): SP_IP/SPort->DP_IP/TPort
  7. -- After route(to uplink): SP_IP/SPort->DP_IP/TPort
  8. reply:
  9. -- Entering Host Network(via uplink): DP_IP/TPort -> SP_IP/SPort
  10. -- After LB(DNAT): VIP/VPort->SP_IP/Sport
  11. -- After route(to antrea-gw0): VIP/VPort->SP_IP/Sport


Note that the request with destination IP DP_IP needs to be routed differently in LB and forwarding cases.(This differs from encap traffic where all traffic flows including post LB service traffic share the same main route table.) Antrea creates a customized antrea_service route table, it is used in conjunction with ip-rule and ip-tables to handle service traffic. Together they work as follows 1. At Antrea initialization, an ip-tables rule is created in mangle table that marks IP packets with service IP as destination IP and are from antrea-gw0. 1. At Antrea initialization, an ip-rule is added to select antrea_service route table as routing table if traffic is marked in 1). 1. At Antrea initialization, a default route entry is added to antrea_service route table to forward all traffic to antrea-gw0.

The outcome may be something like this

  1. ip neigh | grep antrea-gw0
  2. dev antrea-gw0 lladdr 12:34:56:78:9a:bc PERMANENT
  3. ip route show table 300 #tbl_idx=300 is antrea_service
  4. default via dev antrea-gw0 onlink
  5. ip rule | grep antrea-gw0
  6. 300: from all fwmark 0x800/0x800 iif antrea-gw0 lookup 300
  7. iptables -t mangle -L ANTREA-MANGLE
  8. Chain ANTREA-MANGLE (1 references)
  9. target prot opt source destination
  10. MARK all -- anywhere /* Antrea: mark service traffic */ MARK or 0x800
  11. MARK all -- anywhere ! /* Antrea: unmark post LB service traffic */ MARK and 0x0

The above configuration allows Pod-to-Service traffic to use antrea_service route table after load balancing, and to be steered back to OVS bridge for Pod NetworkPolicy processing.


Note also that with re-entrance traffic, a service request, after being load balanced and routed back to OVS bridge via antrea-gw0, has exactly the same 5-tuple as when it re-enters the host network for forwarding.

When a service request with same 5-tuples re-enters the host network, it confuses Linux conntrack. The Linux considers the re-entrance IP packet from a new connection flow that uses same source port that has been allocated in the DNAT connection. In turn, the re-entrance packet triggers another SNAT connection. The overall effect is that the service’s DNAT connection is not discovered by the service reply, and no Un-DNAT takes place. As a result, the reply is not recognized, and therefore dropped by the source Pod.

Antrea uses the following mechanisms to handle Pod-to-Service traffic re-entrance to the host network, and bypasses conntrack in host network. 1. In OVS bridge, adds flow that marks any re-entrance traffic with a special source MAC. 1. In OVS bridge, adds flow that causes any re-entrance traffic to bypasses conntrack in OVS zone. 1. In the host network’ ip-tables, adds a rule in raw table that if matching the special source MAC in 1), bypass conntrack in host zone.

NetworkPolicy Considerations

Note that when a traffic flow is re-entrance, the original reply packets do not make it into OVS, as it is un-DNATted in the host network before reaching OVS. This, however, does not have any impact on NetworkPolicy enforcement.

Antrea enforces NetworkPolicy by allowing or disallowing initial connection packets (e.g. TCP SYN) to go through and to establish connection. Once a connection is established, Antrea relies on conntrack to admit or reject packets for that connection. This still holds true for re-entrance traffic flows, except that conntrack takes place not within OVS conntrack zone, but instead is in the host network’s default conntrack zone. Hence NetworkPolicy enforcement is not impacted.

It has some effects on statistics collection. If original reply traffic reaches OVS bridge as is the case of encap traffic flows, the OVS bridge knows about any reply packets dropped by OVS zone conntrack, and can record them accordingly. With re-entrance traffic, the reply traffic with original server Pod IPs does not reach OVS bridge, and any dropped traffic by host network conntrack is unknown to the OVS bridge.

Future Work

  1. Smoother transition in/out of Antrea in policy mode, Kubernetes deployment shall be easily scaled up and down after/before Antrea insertion to allow Pods be added to Antrea after installation, and reconnect to old CNI topology after Antrea is uninstalled.
  2. NetworkPolicy for external services is not working. See