Avro Decode


The “Avro Decode” transform allows you to decode an Avro field and convert them to Hop fields.




Transform name

Name of the transform. Note: This name has to be unique in a single pipeline.

Source field

Select the name of the field (of type: Avro) to convert

Source fields

You can specify the names of the Avro fields to select from the Avro records. You can also specify to which Hop data type you want to convert to. Please note that complex data types like Map and Record are converted into JSON which you can then parse further in subsequent transforms. Note: The “Avro type” column is informational only. It’s not used at runtime.

Get fields button

You can use the “Get fields” button to retrieve the fields to read from an Avro file.

Metadata Injection Support

All fields of this transform support metadata injection.