Cassandra Connection


Connections can be created and edited using the logo (click on it to edit), and the drop down menu (arrow down) which you can find on the right of every connection line on the various Cassandra action or transform dialogs.

They can also be managed with the metadata perspective in the Hop GUI. Finally, please note that Cassandra Connections are serialized as JSON in the Hop metadata folder under


The Options



Specify the host name(s) for the connection to the Cassandra server


Specify the port number for the connection to the Cassandra server


Specify the username of the target keyspace and/or table authentication details


Specify the password of the target keyspace and/or table authentication details

Socket Timeout

Set an optional connection timeout period, specified in milliseconds.


Specify the keyspace (database) name. You can use the Select Keyspace button to select a keyspace. You can use the Execute CQL button to create one. For example: CREATE KEYSPACE IF NOT EXISTS hop WITH replication = {‘class’:’SimpleStrategy’, ‘replication_factor’ : 3} ;

Schema hostname

For writes only: Specify the host name for the connection to the Cassandra schema (leave blank if not different from hostname)

Schema port

For writes only: Specify the port for the connection to the Cassandra schema (leave blank if not different from port)

Use compression

Select if you want the text of each BATCH INSERT statement compressed (with GZIP) before transmitting it to the node.