Synchronize after merge


The Synchronize After Merge transform can be used in conjunction with the Merge Rows (Diff) pipeline transform to insert/update/delete database fields based on the Merge Rows (Diff) output.

The Merge Rows (diff) pipeline transform appends a Flag column to each row, with a value of “identical”, “changed”, “new” or “deleted”.

This flag column is then used by the Synchronize After Merge pipeline transform to carry out updates/inserts/deletes on a connection table.


General Tab


Transform name

Name of the transform.


The database connection to which data is written

Target schema

The name of the Schema for the table to which data is written. This is important for data sources that allow for table names with periods in them.

Target table

Name of the table in which you want to do the insert/update/delete.

Commit size

The number of rows to change before running a commit.

Use batch update

Tablename is defined in a field

Key Lookup table

Allows you to specify a list of field values and comparators. You can use the following comparators: =, <>, <, ⇐, >, >=, LIKE, BETWEEN, IS NULL, IS NOT NULL

Update Fields

Allows you to specify all fields in the table you want to insert/update including the keys. Avoid updates on certain fields (e.g. primary keys or non-null constrained fields) by specifying N in the update column.

SQL button

Click SQL to generate the SQL to create the table and indexes for correct operation.

Advanced Tab

OptionDescriptionDefault value from the Merge Rows (diff) transform

Operation fieldname

This is a required field. This field is used by the transform to obtain an operation flag for the current row.


Insert when value equal

Specify the value of the Operation fieldname which signifies that an Insert should be carried out.


Update when value equal

Specify the value of the Operation fieldname which signifies that an Update should be carried out.


Delete when value equal

Specify the value of the Operation fieldname which signifies that a Delete should be carried out.


Perform lookup

Performs a lookup when deleting or updating. If the lookup field is not found, then an exception is thrown. This option can be used as an extra check if you wish to check updates/deletes prior to their execution.

Not applicable

Metadata Injection Support

All fields of this transform support metadata injection. You can use this transform with ETL Metadata Injection to pass metadata to your pipeline at runtime.