
Configuration Item Explanation

Namespace: http://shardingsphere.apache.org/schema/shardingsphere/encrypt/encrypt-5.0.0.xsd

<encrypt:rule />

NameTypeDescriptionDefault Value
idAttributeSpring Bean Id
queryWithCipherColumn (?)AttributeWhether query with cipher column for data encrypt. User you can use plaintext to query if havetrue
table (+)TagEncrypt table configuration

<encrypt:table />

nameAttributeEncrypt table name
column (+)TagEncrypt column configuration
query-with-cipher-column(?) (?)AttributeWhether the table query with cipher column for data encrypt. User you can use plaintext to query if have

<encrypt:column />

logic-columnAttributeColumn logic name
cipher-columnAttributeCipher column name
assisted-query-column (?)AttributeAssisted query column name
plain-column (?)AttributePlain column name
encrypt-algorithm-refAttributeEncrypt algorithm name

<encrypt:encrypt-algorithm />

idAttributeEncrypt algorithm name
typeAttributeEncrypt algorithm type
props (?)TagEncrypt algorithm properties

Please refer to Built-in Encrypt Algorithm List for more details about type of algorithm.