Shadow DB

Configuration Item Explanation

  1. dataSources: # Omit the data source configuration, please refer to the usage
  2. rules:
  3. - !SHADOW
  4. enable: # Shadow function switch. Optional values: true/false, the default is false
  5. dataSources:
  6. shadowDataSource:
  7. sourceDataSourceName: # Production data source name
  8. shadowDataSourceName: # Shadow data source name
  9. tables:
  10. <table-name>:
  11. dataSourceNames: # Shadow table location shadow data source names
  12. - <shadow-data-source>
  13. shadowAlgorithmNames: # Shadow table location shadow algorithm names
  14. - <shadow-algorithm-name>
  15. defaultShadowAlgorithmName: # Default shadow algorithm name
  16. shadowAlgorithms:
  17. <shadow-algorithm-name> (+): # Shadow algorithm name
  18. type: # Shadow algorithm type
  19. props: # Shadow algorithm property configuration
  20. # ...
  21. props:
  22. # ...